SkyCoaster Bungee Ride At La Ronde (Six Flags) Montreal


This is he SkyCoaster Ride at La Ronde (Six Flags) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. This ride is really great. A must try if you are not faint hearted. I am the one on the left (when we first fall). The ride was fully booked the entire day, but I luckily found some friends that had an extra spot.

App of the day – RBC Finder


Today I started another segment called App of the day, it is similar to my photo of the day. However it is of an iPhone or computer application. Today the app of the day is RBC Finder. This iPhone app uses GPS technology in the iPhone to locate the nearest RBC ATM. The result is more money in your pocket instead of being charged Interac and bank fees. There are versions for other large banking institutions in Canada (eg. BMO FInder). With this app I have found ATMs in places I never would have thought, and save money. Remember every penny counts!

How to get a refund from the iPhone App Store


A couple of days ago I needed to transfer a large file and did not have a usb key handy. So I remembered that I liked an app called Datacase in the App Store. I bought it and started using it. However it did not work well on iPhone OS 3.1. So I bought another application as well. I felt that I should be eligible for a refund, how can you not keep your app maintained? I searched google for “How to get a refund app store” and found this link. Since this is not my work I felt it was appropriate to link to the original post as well as post the (Mona’s) directions.

These are the steps I followed to request a refund:

  1. Open iTunes
  2. Log on to your account
  3. Go to purchase history
  4. Report a problem
  5. Fill out form with reason for refund (nicely)
  6. Wait

I did that and got a confirmation email (it’s always great to know your request is in). After a day or two I got a nice email from Mike at the App Store. It said that all sales are final however, they would refund me this one time. I felt so relieved and happy. Thanks Mona for your directions, and Apple for being able to honor my request.

Photo of the day – Get more of what you love

I saw this flyer for Costco at a friend’s house recently and today I decided to snap a picture of it. If you read it, it makes you think that there is a huge crowd that really loves car tires, and floor mats. Seriously this is marketing at its worst. They could have said spend less on tires and floor mats at Costco, so you can spend more on what you love.

Photo of the day – Your iPhone has been Unlocked

Factory Unlocked iPhone iTunes
(Click on image for larger size)

I finally got my iPhone today, Here is the screen that I saw in iTunes, Since not many people in North America get to see it I thought I might share. I’m really excited for the 3gs since I got the data plan from Rogers. I will be taking full advantage of the capabilities of the phone and data plan!

How to buy the cheapest factory unlocked iPhone 3GS from eBay

White 32gb factory unlocked iPhone 3GS

Today I finally took a plunge and bought a white 32gb factory unlocked iPhone 3GS from eBay. However after I found many auctions and wanted to get the best price since I was about to spend $1,000 CAD. I noticed a couple of the Australian and Hong Kong sellers said to check out their auctions which were listed on their country’s respective eBay site. They claimed that eBay US was charging more fees, and in turn that’s why it was more expensive on the US site. Their claims are true. However I took their advice and took it a bit further to get my cheaper iPhone. I went on both and and searched there (on eBay Hong Kong click on the English beta icon on the right hand side of the bar at the top). I don’t know why some eBay listings never trickle through to other eBay sites, since you can still view them through any eBay site if you just search for the auction number. However I found the cheapest one at the time on eBay Hong Kong. I saved about $20-$30 from the Australian counterpart. The Seller has 100% feedback and all buyers are extremely happy with his practices. In case you can not find his auctions here is one of the auction numbers, you can just paste it in the search bar in any eBay site and it will take you straight to it. Please note this is for the 32gb factory unlocked iPhone 3GS. The seller always has black in stock, but you must contact him for white. eBay Auction ID: 260474046905

Photo of the day – Steve Wozniak at Concordia University

Today has been a day I have been really looking forward to, because Steve Wozniak aka “The Woz” came to speak about technology at Concordia University. He started off by just talking and then he started answering Questions. I really enjoyed his session at Concordia because I got a better understanding of him and how he operates. I say this because he is someone to look up to. His work speaks for itself as well as his attitude.

Photo of the day – Speed

Today’s picture is of an Ati Radeon HD 4870 1Gb ddr5 Graphics Card, and an OCZ 120GB Summit Solid State Drive (SSD). These upgrades will surely make my Mac Pro more powerful and faster. I will have some videos and posts in the next couple of days regarding these upgrades and Snow Leopard. I will also post a video on how to hack (since I bought the Pc version of the graphics card to save money and get better performance) the Ati graphics card into the Mac version.

Canadian Summer 2009 Videos

Here are some videos that illustrate what I did this summer in Canada. I was in Montreal, Mont Tremblant, and Toronto!

Me Painting A Piggy Bank in Mont Tremblant (with the help of my mother)


Getting A Maple Stick Treat (Very Tasty!)


Native Band In Old Port Montreal


Funny Old Port Performer


Steevoking145 Bike Trials in Old Port Montreal


Very Cool Bike Performer in Old Port Montreal


Gettin’ A Crepe At The CN Tower in Toronto


CP News Spinning Wheels Truck


Cowbot Robot In Dundas Square Toronto


Sidewalk Chalk Artist In Dundas Square Toronto


Break Dancing in Dundas Square Toronto


CN Tower Tour


Blue Jays Vs Anaheim Angels August 21st 2009 Baseball Game


And that concludes the most interesting things I did this summer. For the Period I was in Montreal and Mont Tremblant I was with my parents, which was great. When in Toronto I was with many friends and that as well was great!