While browsing the interwebs today, I came across this ad that said google pays me $137 an hour. That’s great I’m really happy for the guy, but on the right side it says a monthly income of $5,000 dollars? Wouldn’t you at least do the math before posting one of those get rich quick ads? Google doesn’t pay per hour and even if that is his average there is around 720 hours in a month, so basically this is a fail! The funny part is that later on, I found another ad by him that said $150 an hour. So I guess his strategy is throw out random numbers and hope it works. I found this too funny so I had to post.
Hispanic? Music in Rue St.Cathrine Montreal
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/-mjztU7wcHg" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
I saw this on Feb 15 2009 On St.Cathrine Street, I really enjoyed the music and the atmosphere they created, anyone know what the name of the song or beat they are playing? Which this happened more often!
Photo of the day
So I’ve always passed by these stairs in the EV(Engineering) Building of Concordia, however never took a picture. Since I started the Photo of the day I thought this would be a very interesting picture. The lights change color constantly. I was going to help a friend recover a word document he lost, sadly we could not recover it.
Avoid long distance charges with skype
For a while now I have been avoiding long distance charges from Rogers, Fido by using skype. In the states I think there are no long distance for calling another number in the states. However there are for calling Canada and other countries. This tutorial will teach you how to escape these fees by using skype to call numbers in the US, Canada and other countries. Firstly you have to be located in the US or Canada (Trace IP).
1. Go to Skype Subscriptions and buy whichever subscription is appropriate for you.
2.If you want the caller id to display your cellphone number Set it up in Skype Settings
3.To use this on your cellphone you will need a data plan or wifi(does not use much data though). Download iSkoot(Blackberry,Nokia, Windows Mobile) or Fring for iPhone
4. Setup your phone with your skype account, and your number.
5.Whenever you want to make a long distance call, just open the skype application you chose on your phone and dial it from there and save money!
Episode Renamer (epnamer)
So yesterday I created the office season 5 torrent. While I was creating it I was fixing the file names manually. I quickly did a google search and found this program that automatically renames episodes for you! It works great and you can even specifiy the formatting.
You can download it here: EpNamer
Samurai Sudoku
I was on the train from Toronto to Montreal today and I remembered that the magazine usually has this funky Sudoku that has 5 games intertwined into one. I had emailed my dad one before because he loves sudoku. So I opened the magazine and found it, and then found another older magazine with another one. So here are two Samurai Sudoku Puzzles for you to solve. (Thanks Viarail Canada)
Right Click Save Target as to download these files (.PNG image files)
Samurai Sudoku 1 (941 downloads ) Samurai Sudoku 2 (951 downloads )Temple of Life – Sex on fire (Cover)
Check out my friend’s band Temple of Life. They did a cover of Kings of Leon’s Sex on fire. I personally beleave they perform it better than the original!
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/MpFFh7BIOTg"
width="576" height="324"
allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Photo of the day
I have started a new feature I want to do as much as possible called Photo of the day. I’ll try to post a picture everyday of something cool or interesting that happened that day (try is the keyword). Here we have a picture of some weird cyborg looking alarm button in Concordia University on the 8th floor. The reason I find it cool is because I remember a wallpaper that looks exactly like it (couldn’t find it, but if you can hit me up)