Photo of the day – TEDxMcGill 2010

TEDXMcGill 2010

Yesterday I went to the TEDxMcGill 2010 event. It was really great, well organized, and had great speakers. Like most TED or TEDx events it was inspirational. There were many stories told, philosophies, and ideas shared (which is what TED is about). I will now try to go to any TED or TEDx event I can, and maybe even try to organize some back home if I can. Shout out to Tara for getting me to go to this amazing event! On the way out the organizers surprised the attendees with three TEDxs made out of Diet Coke cans, Coke cans, and water bottles.

Carbon City Lights – With Or Without

Carbon City Lights - With Or Without Album Cover

September 7th, 2010 marks the date of Carbon City Lights debut album release on iTunes. This up-and-coming artist is based in the most culturally diverse city in the world, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His own diversity comes through in this album with influences such as Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Bob Marley, and other iconic musicians from a wide spectrum of genres. The album is now available on iTunes, and can be purchased by clicking on the album cover or here.

Join Carbon City Lights on the following social networks:

Carbon City Lights Facebook Carbon City Lights Twitter Carbon City Lights Youtube

Don’t forget to watch the first music video from the album!


Bixi, One year later

Montreal has had the Bixi bike for a little over a year now, and as a member I find it a great way of getting around the city or even just for a joy ride. Today my one year membership comes to an end (until I renew it), and these are the stats that are in my online account. Although recently I have been angered by the availability of the bikes at night, I still love Bixi. Over this year, I have made 297 trips, totaling a cool 47 hours, and traveling 565 kilometers or 351 miles for you imperial folk. The mileage though is approximate, because it does not actually measure how much you bike, but the time spent biking at an average of 5 kilometers per hour, I figure that I bike faster than that though. Finally we have greenhouse emissions, I would have used 142 kilograms of carbon emissions if i was using a car, and 40 liters of gasoline.  Overall I really like using the Bixi bikes, and love the online statistics and thought I should share!Bixistats

Ottawa Earthquake

Today I received a phone call from my friend Samer in Toronto. He asked me “Did you feel it?”. I had no clue what he was talking about and he quickly told me there was an earthquake. I was in the shower when it happened and did not feel anything. It’s funny though because a lot of my friends here in Montreal did feel it. The epicenter of the quake was near Ottawa, and reports have shown that it was also felt in Toronto, Montreal, and even Buffalo New York. At first some people thought it might be a terrorist act because the G20 summit that is scheduled to take place in Toronto on the 26th and 27th of June. The G20 summit will host the twenty most powerful leaders this weekend.

Montreal Grand Prix 2010 Pictures

Yeah this post is a couple of weeks late, but better late than never. Here are some pictures I snapped while walking around downtown during the Grand Prix Weekend. I’m one of the people that was thrilled to have the Grand Prix return after such a long departure. Montreal really takes shape from this one event, it’s truly great we have it back. My pictures might not have been so great, but I really enjoyed the first picture. The car below is the Roadster Sport, It is manufactured by company called Tesla in California. You might think “So, what?”. The what about this car is that is fully electric and can run around for 244 miles (393 kilometers) on a single charge! They brought it so they can market it, (of course) but the interesting thing is, since we get cheap electricity in Quebec, it only costs about $1.80 to fully charge this car! Enjoy the pictures!

Tesla Roadster Sport

He was trying to interview the dog!

iOS 4 Officially Out

So I have been using iOS 4 for about a week now, and it’s a nice step forward for the platform. Today it officially came out, and according to Engadget it is the same as the GM release. I have been having trouble with updating my carrier settings to Rogers 7.1 and as a result my data connection is not working. I am now restoring the phone and will not restore the backup I have a feeling that might be the fix. I will update this post if that resolves the problem.

Update: Yes it solved my problem.

App of the day – Scanner 911


I have not bought an app from the App Store in a while, so a couple of days ago I felt like looking at what new apps were available. I found Scanner 911 in the most popular apps, and read the description. What does it do? It lets you listen in on Police, Fire, and EMS radio channels in USA and Canada. It only costs 99 cents and is quite entertaining and impressive. You can purchase it on the iTunes App Store.

Temple of Life self titled album prerelease

So I’ve been listening to the band Temple of Life. They are a young band from Canada, that brings good music back to today’s terribly saturated industry. A couple of weeks ago they prereleased two singles from their album. One song is very upbeat and the other is darker. I really enjoy these songs, and look forward to buying the full album. You can purchase this prerelease on iTunes. If you would like to preview the songs before purchasing them, I have included a widget that lets you preview the songs.
