This was my meal yesterday at Van houtte Cafe in Montreal.
Vista Orb icon for Mac OS X Leopard
Made a nice icon from the standard image of the vista orb for my boot camp partition. As the previous post, its .icns format.
if you want to know how to change your icons of a drive. folder, application just follow my tutorial here
Freeagent Desk Mac OS X Icon
Today I thought well if the freeagent desk drive comes with an icon for windows, there should be a nice icns version for mac, however I was wrong. So I made one which turned out ok. However the edges aren’t so great, but you can’t tell unless you open it in an image editing program. (The icon is in icns format) So enjoy this and if you want to know how to change your icons of a drive. folder, application just follow my tutorial here
Freeagent Desk Mac OS X Icon (1351 downloads )Help a friend – Change an folder icon in OS X Leopard
Today My friend nader asked how to change an icon for a folder in leopard. I had actually looked this one up a couple of days ago when I first bought my mac. You can Watch the video Below Or Follow the Steps Below.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="576" height="324" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
1. Have the icon that you want to change the folder to ready.
2. Right click on the icon you want to apply to the folder and click get info (or just highlight the file, and press cmd+I)
3. Left Click on the icon in the top left then press cmd+C
4. Open the get info dialog for the folder or file you want to change the icon for.
5. Left Click on the icon in the top left then press cmd+V
6. Close the Get info dialog.
More Backgrounds
Hey guys, I was in old port tonight, and took some new pics, (along with one from the same photo shoot as the HDR pics). These pics are not in HDR however, because I took them with my Canon powershot sd780IS (first two only). I think I’m going to get the new Canon EOS Rebel T1i EF-S 18-55mm IS Kit (look on the what I want widget on the side). Yeah it’s expensive, and I’m no where near a professional photographer (i would like to be though) and even if i never become one its for personal reasons so the purchase price is justified! (For the first two images I took it in black and white mode, and all I did in Photoshop was crop the size and reduce the noise. The last picture was with a friends Canon EOS and I tried making a HDR picture but it didn’t work was too shaky, so just played around with the saturation and turned out nice.)
(Click on the Images for full Size. 16:10)
If you would like these pictures in other aspect ratios please comment
Fierce Factor Hosted by Lady Gaga
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="576" height="324" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
HDR Backgrounds
I made these Backgrounds today. Played around in Photoshop with Saturation. I also uploaded them to interfacelift. (Click on the images to download the full size)