Tickle My Tits

Hey guys just messing around in my friends studio. Made a stupid song if you are in the mood to laugh at stupidity go ahead give it a listen or download. HD Video coming soon! The Video is now Available! (Click on HD to watch it in HD, I reccomend though that you watch it at youtube so you can maintain the aspect ratio!) YOUTUBE LINK

Social networking icons working

Hey everyone, as promised I have linked to all my social networking profiles in the sidebar —->

Feel free to contact me through any of them, or just view them from time to time. I feel this will help increase the quality of my site! Ps. some of these sites I just signed up for in the last couple of days, so it might be a while before any content is up.


Making the web a better place!

Hey guys, in the last couple of weeks, I have noticed a couple of ip addresses trying to hack my website. I searched the net however I could not come up with anything (if you know anythina about these reqeusts posted below please comment). All these request have the form of some poll php script (I’m assuming its an exploit in this script) and ends with id1.txt.

Upek Protector Suite 2009 Review

Today I had a nice email conversation with a nice gentleman at Upek, they requested that I remove the download of the 5.8.2 protector suite application and driver. They explained that it was because some users have to pay for this update. I gladly removed it as it is their property and was offered the chance to try their 2009 (version 5.9) for a test spin.

Feeling Social (Networking)

Hey everyone, in the last couple of weeks my blog has really come (back) to life. Very soon I will put links to all my profiles on social websites (youtube, facebook, etc) so everyone can follow what I’m doing (don’t worry I don’t think too much of my self). But some users on twitter have already started following me. In these last few weeks, I’ve been feeling so great because of all the user interactions across all these sites.

Seo Tips for WordPress

So in the last couple of weeks, I took the decision to improve my site drastically. By doing so I have started to attract more visitors to my blog and increase traffic, Google Adsense revenue, and most important the quality of my posts.

Upek Protector Suite 5.8.2 Update

Well my fingerprint recognition software was making my computer very slow because of some memory leaks. I found the fix with an update to version 5.8.2. I’m posting it because its hard to find the link to the download, so here it is. PS this says that it is 5.8 in the read me file, however it’s suppose to be 5.8.2. I have made the link a direct link so you can download it from my site. The previous link on Upek’s site would just confuse you!

Link removed due to a request from Upek!

Please Check out my Upek Protector Suite 2009 Review