While buying some BCAAs for my friend today I saw these Happy Pills. It says that it is a non prescription feel good formula, which means it’s just herbs and over the counter ingredients. The name made me laugh and the packaging just added to it. To the left there were some happy dreams pills, which help you sleep easier. I picked one of those up as I have sleeping problems. I will report back on how effective it is.
iTunes 10.1 released
Hot on the heels of 10.6.5 iTunes 10.1 has been released today. It was rumored on the interwebs that this update along with the iOS 4.2 (which has not been released yet) would hit the web shortly after 10.6.5. Soon all iPad owners will be rejoice as they can then multitask!
As described in the picture above, this update to iTunes lets you stream video using Airplay on the new (black) Apple TV, sync with iOS devices running 4.2, and bug fixes. I predict 4.2 will be released this weekend or on Monday maximum since it has already been in Golden Master for a while now.
Mac OS X 10.6.5 hits the pipes
As usual thanks to Engadget for tipping me off. Today Apple released 10.6.5 on Software Update. No link to the Delta or Combo update dmgs yet, once I have found them I shall link to them. For those who don’t know what Delta and Combo mean, Delta means you must have 10.6.4 to install the update and comes in at a significant less file size than the Combo update. The Combo update on the other hand allows you to install it on any version of 10.6, so basically 10.6-10.6.4 or in computer geek terms 10.6.x. Anyways fire up software update from the top left of your Mac on the Apple menu. The bugfixes can be seen in the image above, Enjoy!
Update: Here is the link to the Combo DMG file. Delta update can be found here.
Skype 5 Beta hits OS X
When Skype 5 Beta hit Windows, I was really upset that it didn’t hit OS X. The reason for that was the video conferencing, which is a really cool feature. Today thanks to my friend Michael, I learned that it has finally made its way over to my favorite Operating System. The startup screen and the main application window look much better! Finally Skype users on Mac OS X can rejoice as Skype has a long history of taking its sweet time with Mac OS X and Linux releases. Anyways you can download the beta here!
Google Adsense V3 Beta
Google has just updated the Adsense with a new beta (version 3). From first looks it is just a cleaner interface and a lot of the data that took up different tabs are now displayed in one area. I haven’t had time to check out all the other features listed here.
MacX Video Converter Pro Giveaway
Again the friendly people at MacX (Digiarty) have created a giveaway and this time I am more on time with posting it! There are six (6) days left to nab yourself a free copy of this video converting software for OS X. There are 420+ codecs built in so it can convert many types of video files. The converter supports many outputs and youtube conversion. So give it a try if you are always converting videos.
Photo of the day – Lunchbox Lasagna
Today my photo is mouth watering! Lunchbox is a new (since last semester I believe) quick serve restaurant that has really great healthy food at a reasonable price. They have a really great marinated chicken pita sandwich in which the chicken has a purplish tint. Today however I got their Lasagna! You get to pick between normal pasta or spinach pasta (you can see in the picture I don’t like normal), the filling, and the sauce. I also added marinated Artichokes as an extra because I really love Artichoke! It is quickly prepared and cooked thanks to the TurboChef ovens. Take a look at the picture, it almost looks like a meal at an upscale restaurant.
Photo of the day – Dusk in Montreal
Today was one of the craziest sunsets I have seen in person. From a little before Dusk the sky looked really weird, it had a golden tint to it. However I didn’t think it was photo worthy, I knew this shot would never be featured on a stock photos website. However when I saw the Sun setting I had to snap a picture and revive my Photo of the day Segment. Let me tell you the picture does not do the sunset justice, even though it is a nice picture, the sunset was really beautiful! It really inspires me to fire up my camera again, I wish I had it to photograph this picture (shot on my iPhone 4).
Windproof Umbrella – Senz Original
I’ve had bad luck in the last couple of years with Umbrellas in Montreal (merde il pleut). The first double canopy umbrella I had was large, and worked great. I lost it at Mister Steer (which has amazing burgers by the way) and was devastated when I came back and it was taken. Next I bought a small umbrella on the go recently because it was raining a lot, only to lose it a couple of days later. Finally I bought one that has a feature that if the umbrella inverts it doesn’t break easily. However it is sort of broken after a really powerful storm rolled through town.
We are now getting more into the raining/snowing season, so I decided I need a new umbrella. After about five minutes of research on the net, I bought the Senz Original which can stand wind forces up to 100kph/70mph which pretty much makes it wind proof. According to the manufacturer it plays with the wind instead of fighting it. One really cool design point is the higher front which allows you to see in front of you. I can attest that’s an important feature to have in an umbrella since others almost always block your eyesight. So you can head on over to the manufacturer’s website to check the umbrella out (I bought mine on eBay) and watch the video of it in front of a wind tunnel below.
Update: I changed my order for the larger Senz XL.
Ps. I still really hate Internet Explorer, the backend of wordpress looks so squareish compared to Chrome, Firefox, and just about every other browser.