Photo of the day – U Salade at Java U

Today I had to build a bed. Afterwards I was in desperate need of protein! My favorite food is salad so this was quite a treat. I ate it the Java U on Rue Stanley. The thing I like about Java U is the servers are not stingy with their portions they just kept adding to the salad at no extra Cost!

Robot Street Performer Montreal

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I was on my way to a friend’s house two days ago with my camera (since he was leaving) and I came accross this street performer. Very Cool I must say and I’m glad I had my camera, you never know when something interesting might take place.

Chilling in Wesmount Park

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Today I felt like going to Westmount Park to do a bit of writing, and chill out in the beautiful weather. The weather was a bit chilly, but very sunny. A great start for the summer. Afterwards I went on a quest to find squirrels. I found one and got pretty close to it after a bit of trying.

Best Part of the Train ride from Toronto to Montreal

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This is the view of Lake Ontario From the via rail train going from Toronto to Montreal on Sunday May 17th 2009. The lake is beautiful, but the weather made it even more special. For me this is the best part of the train ride!