Yesterday I went out with a friend on St.Laurent Street and We found this yogurt joint. Reminds of me Red Mango in California! Their Yogurt is also au naturel, only difference is that it is Self Serve. Also it is by weight, don’t remember if that’s how it was in Red Mango.
Michael Jackson Dies
Today, Michael Jackson died in Los Angeles, California. He was 50 Years old, and the cause of death was a Cardiac Arrest. My condolences to the Jackson family. Rest in peace
Photo of the day – Wild Mushroom and Arugula Risotto
My friends were leaving for good yesterday so we had lunch at Le Pois Penche. This was my main course! Very Tasty! Anyways today I have a lot of appointments and errands to run so I’m off.
Vote for me on One Young World
Please vote for me on facebook for One Young World. I have copy/pasted my profile info from there on here. (CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR ME)
Some might tell you the world was better off fifty years ago. Others will say that we are better off today thanks to technology, however I believe both statements are true. Today we face many problems. We need to first solve social disconnect.That is why I follow a quote that says “Be the change you want to see in the world”. I honestly believe that positive influences can snowball. We need to work together to achieve! By Solving Social Disconnect we can have a platform to solve other problems!
Well, I am Egyptian. I only lived in Egypt for three years before moving to Saudi Arabia. In Saudi I made lots of friends from all over the world, enabling me to see all different types of cultures and extract all the good parts from each. Life in Saudi was great. While in my senior year of highschool in Saudi I attended a Model United Nations Conference in Saint Petersburg, Russia.I now live in Montreal, Canada and like Saudi it has many different cultures. The winters here can be very severe, and recently got me into a great depression. I did not know what was going on, I felt like life was not worth living, I had panic attacks (i sometimes still do, but i know how to handle them) and did not know what was the point of life. It took me a couple of months to recover, but recover i did! I knew that life is worth living if you make the most of it. At the same time I knew that for me, the point of my life was to change the world in positive ways. That can easily be by smiling or saying hello to someone you don’t even know, the world today is so socially disconnected. People are chasing money not to live better, but just for the sake of chasing money. My parents have raised me right, and I want to be the best person that I can be.
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Bouncing Dog in Westmount Park
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I was in Westmount park today doing a bit of writing, when I saw this dog. I had to get a video of it bouncing around!
Photo of the day – Best Upgrades
Yesterday I was on Gizmodo and I saw this post. I saw this picture and I laughed for the good part of a minute! (click on the picture to see the full size). I had to post it, since it was technically part of my day. Credit to Gizmodo for the Picture wherever they found or took the picture!
Pedal for Kids
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Today I was doing a bit of shopping when I saw police closing streets, I knew something was going on. I took out my camera and started to record. It turned out to be the Pedal for Kids (Pedalez pour les enfants in French) Charity Bike run. They donate money to sick kids in the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Check out the website here (today was the last day of the run)
Photo of the day – Rainbow Sorbet
Today I cut my hair, went shopping, and had a nice vegetarian pizza, so after a long day of walking/biking around I came home for a nice bowl of Rainbow Sorbet! For those who don’t know the difference between Sorbet and Ice Cream, Sorbet doesn’t have milk. I feel it tastes much better than Ice Cream. It is also known for helping in digestion. You can check out the Wiki on sorbet Here.