Saw these protestors for peta. I quickly read something about Seal clubbing, but didnt catch all of it. Anyways I thought it was a smart way to get people’s attention!
Photo of the day
Photo of the day – Playing For Change Album
Today I walked into starbucks with some friends (I don’t usually go in there). Then I saw the Playing for Change Album. I instantly bought it because after seeing the video on youtube I really enjoyed it. I already ripped it and added it to my iTunes collection. The cool thing is it comes with a DVD of videos as well. Link to buy the album follows as well as the Video for Stand By Me. Please support them and buy the album it’s for a great cause!
Songs Around The World (CD + DVD) (Amazon)
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="576" height="324" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Photo of the day – Electronics Recycling at Futureshop
Today I took my Creative Nomad Jukebox to futureshop to get it recycled. Why? Because it’s not worth much anymore and I don’t want it to end up in a landfill one day. From now on any electronic that I want to dispose of will go to get recycled. Futureshop has this service at all store I think and it is free. So next time you want to throw away a gadget save it until you go to futureshop to save the planet! (Best buy and other major retailers should have the same type of program, Ask around and help save the planet!!)
Photo of the day
So the photo of the day is a picture of Homemade Labneh. Labneh is a Lebanese food. It is basically strained yogurt with salt. You eat it with bread, olive oil, and can make sandwiches with olives. I loved this food growing up. My friend Samer taught me how to make it at home.For more information check out the wiki.
Here are the steps to making Labneh at home:
1. Get two (depending on how much you want, I always get two) 750g containers of yogurt.
2. Add a hand full of salt (or to your taste) to each container and mix well with a spoon.
3.Get kitchen towels and line the inside of a strainer that has small holes preferably.
4. Dump all the yogurt inside the kitchen towels and allow the yogurt to strain over night.
5.When eating it pour some olive oil on it and eat it with bread as you would any dip.