Elvis Street Performer Gets a Ticket in Toronto

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/u1Dzghq2g4s" width="576" height="324" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

We saw this Elvis Look-a-Like Receiving a ticket from an undercover police officer in Downtown Toronto, outside the Eaton Centre.

Google pays me…

While browsing the interwebs today, I came across this ad that said google pays me $137 an hour. That’s great I’m really happy for the guy, but on the right side it says a monthly income of $5,000 dollars? Wouldn’t you at least do the math before posting one of those get rich quick ads? Google doesn’t pay per hour and even if that is his average there is around 720 hours in a month, so basically this is a fail! The funny part is that later on, I found another ad by him that said $150 an hour. So I guess his strategy is throw out random numbers and hope it works. I found this too funny so I had to post.

Google pays him 137 an hour WOW!

I thought they payed him $137

Tickle My Tits

Hey guys just messing around in my friends studio. Made a stupid song if you are in the mood to laugh at stupidity go ahead give it a listen or download. HD Video coming soon! The Video is now Available! (Click on HD to watch it in HD, I reccomend though that you watch it at youtube so you can maintain the aspect ratio!) YOUTUBE LINK