While on vacation in Egypt a month ago, my sister asked me if she could keep my tripod since she got a new camera. I told her sure, I’ll just get a new one. This is the tripod I want to buy soon. It is the Manfrotto 057 BALL CARBF KIT Q5. The legs are made of carbon fiber, and features the MH057M0-Q5 pro ball head which allows the camera to move in free form allowing for angles not possible with a normal tripod. The moving head was the icing on top of the cake if you will. How did I find this gem? I was browsing the Manfrotto website for a tripod that would fit my needs, when I saw they have various social networking accounts. I clicked on the vimeo link and watched the video below and saw a demonstration of it. Then I quickly found it on the site. There is no word yet on the price, which I expect to be very high since it’s a professional line Manfrotto product, made from carbon fiber and magnesium, has the new ball head, comes from Italy, and waters your plants (just kidding). However I think it will be worth its price tag, as it should help take my photography to a higher level! Other than the product page there isn’t much info on the net about it.
Social Networking
I was watching my friend recently on the computer and he showed me Pageonce. It is a service that aggregates all your online accounts into once place for easy viewing, managing, and productivity enhancement. You can place all different times of online accouts in page once, Finance, Email, Utilities, Credit Cards, Social Networking, Travel, Shopping. You can even input your skype account. If you can’t find your account provider you can even add it (haven’t tried this yet). It works with most banks in Canada as well. For people that are scared about security issues, Pageonce is encrypted and secured(you can read more about that here). The cool thing is that they even have applications for the iPhone and blackberry to be able to look at everything on the go. I found it really great to see the balances of my account in a clear and cocise manner. So check them out its a cool site that is free to use!
Social networking icons working
Hey everyone, as promised I have linked to all my social networking profiles in the sidebar —->
Feel free to contact me through any of them, or just view them from time to time. I feel this will help increase the quality of my site! Ps. some of these sites I just signed up for in the last couple of days, so it might be a while before any content is up.
Feeling Social (Networking)
Hey everyone, in the last couple of weeks my blog has really come (back) to life. Very soon I will put links to all my profiles on social websites (youtube, facebook, etc) so everyone can follow what I’m doing (don’t worry I don’t think too much of my self). But some users on twitter have already started following me. In these last few weeks, I’ve been feeling so great because of all the user interactions across all these sites.