I made some wallpapers today from pictures I took at the old port while biking enjoy! (Click on the picture to get the full size)
Yesterday I received my Bixi key. Bixi is a public bicycle service in Montreal. So I was so happy to receive my key yesterday, and I biked around and discovered parts of Montreal that I have never been to. As you can see from the stats I drove 39 KM, saved 10kg in greenhouse gas emissions, and 3 Liters of gas if i was to have riden a car for all those trips. If you want to know where these figures are generated from here it is: The distance you traveled is an estimate, calculated using an assumed speed of 12 km/h and depending upon the time of use. Source : Vélo Québec.
The reduction in greenhouses gases emitted is an estimate calculated according to The Urban Transportation Emissions Calculator for a light passenger vehicle, depending upon your estimated traveling distance. Source : Transport Canada, April 2008.
The amount of gas saved is an estimate calculated according to Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE ) norms for tourist vehicles, establishing average gas consumption of 8.5 litres/100 km. Source: Environment Canada.
Today I received a call from the Diesel store in Montreal. It was concerning the pants I wanted them to replace. I wore these pants only three or four times maximum and every time I washed them a large hole would appear. Their decision was that they would not replace the pants. I understand a lot of people try to screw companies over by playing this card, however I was being honest. Since there is no way that the Diesel Rep Kerry could be certain of this let us assume I was lying and I wore them everyday that I owned them. At this point I don’t care about the money or replacement pants, however I care about being treated with respect. I dropped off the pants to the Diesel store in April, we are now in July which means I waited three patient months to hear “No” as a reply. If I don’t get treated with respect then what is the point of doing business with a company or person for that matter that just wants your money? I suggest that Diesel Canada work harder and much faster to fix their Customer Care problems. As of now I will try not to buy Diesel products, not because their product Quality is bad (Actually I feel Diesel has the best Quality and lasting Jeans) but because I feel it doesn’t take three months to look at a pair of pants to decide that they won’t pay up. <humor>If they launched a forensic investigation it wouldn’t have taken this long!</humor>
A couple of my closest friends have finished University here in Montreal, and have moved on with their lives. They left some old clothes behind that were going to be thrown away. I decided to take it to the Salvation Army, so they can benefit someone that needs them. We Should all donate whatever we have lying around that we don’t need.
Yesterday I went out with a friend on St.Laurent Street and We found this yogurt joint. Reminds of me Red Mango in California! Their Yogurt is also au naturel, only difference is that it is Self Serve. Also it is by weight, don’t remember if that’s how it was in Red Mango.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/rZB6QenUAbg" width="576" height="324" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
I was in Westmount park today doing a bit of writing, when I saw this dog. I had to get a video of it bouncing around!
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/uVqxVDiHnX4" width="576" height="324" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
I was on my way to a friend’s house two days ago with my camera (since he was leaving) and I came accross this street performer. Very Cool I must say and I’m glad I had my camera, you never know when something interesting might take place.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/IirUXG_ey9M" width="576" height="324" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Today I felt like going to Westmount Park to do a bit of writing, and chill out in the beautiful weather. The weather was a bit chilly, but very sunny. A great start for the summer. Afterwards I went on a quest to find squirrels. I found one and got pretty close to it after a bit of trying.