Photo of the day – Happy Pills

Happy Pills

While buying some BCAAs for my friend today I saw these Happy Pills. It says that it is a non prescription feel good formula, which means it’s just herbs and over the counter ingredients. The name made me laugh and the packaging just added to it. To the left there were some happy dreams pills, which help you sleep easier. I picked one of those up as I have sleeping problems. I will report back on how effective it is.

Photo of the day – Lunchbox Lasagna

Lunchbox Lasagna

Today my photo is mouth watering! Lunchbox is a new (since last semester I believe) quick serve restaurant that has really great healthy food at a reasonable price. They have a really great marinated chicken pita sandwich in which the chicken has a purplish tint. Today however I got their Lasagna! You get to pick between normal pasta or spinach pasta (you can see in the picture I don’t like normal), the filling, and the sauce. I also added marinated Artichokes as an extra because I really love Artichoke! It is quickly prepared and cooked thanks to the TurboChef ovens. Take a look at the picture, it almost looks like a meal at an upscale restaurant.

Photo of the day – Dusk in Montreal

Montreal Dusk Nov 1, 2010Today was one of the craziest sunsets I have seen in person. From a little before Dusk the sky looked really weird, it had a golden tint to it. However I didn’t think it was photo worthy, I knew this shot would never be featured on a stock photos website. However when I saw the Sun setting I had to snap a picture and revive my Photo of the day Segment. Let me tell you the picture does not do the sunset justice, even though it is a nice picture, the sunset was really beautiful! It really inspires me to fire up my camera again, I wish I had it to photograph this picture (shot on my iPhone 4).

Photo of the day – HD nail polish

Hd nail polish

Today I was with my sister and friend in Pharmaprix, when I saw this absurd advertisement for nail polish. I really feel that a lot of products these days are trying to ride along with the HD train, but nail polish? I only have one question, do you need a retina display to see this? This made me lol so hard that I had to snap a photo to share with the internets.

Photo of the day – DIY trailer

photo of the day diy trailer

Today I was bixing to my friend’s house when I saw this along the way. It was a car that had a DIY (Do it yourself) trailer attached. The trailer is actually half a car that has been closed off in the front with sheet metal. It’s really funny and quirky, but I guess its street legal. Sorry for the crappy picture, click on the image for the full size!

Photo of the day – You are a ZAGG Invisible Shield


Today I had to buy an iPad invisible shield for my friend, I gave him the box and that was that. Afterwards we were talking and he was joking that they suck at spelling. He then showed me what you can see above. It says “If you invisibleSHIELDâ„¢ ever gets damaged we will replace it for free for life!” The you should have been your. I will contact ZAGG and let them know about this, hopefully they will get a laugh out of it.

Photo of the day – Toronto Scientology handout


Today I was walking in downtown Toronto, when I saw a guy handing out leaflets on the corner of Dundas and Yonge. I usually don’t like taking them but I decided to give it a chance. The front seemed interesting, however I found the Back very funny since, well it was a Scientology ad. I guess the recession really affected their following and they need more. This leaflet really made me laugh. Honestly it just helps prove more that Scientology is just a Product rather than a real Religion, Seriously what Religion has free trials and tests then you go for the full price? My friend was joking around that the person that invented infomercials probably invented this Religion, and I have no problem understanding what he meant.