Apple announces FaceTime for Mac

FaceTime Mac OS X

Today at the Back to the Mac event Apple introduced a couple of new things, one of them being Facetime for Mac OS X. This means you can now use your Mac to make free phone calls to iPhone 4, iPod touch, and other Mac users. I find this really cool, it is a step up from skype, and is free anywhere in the world. You can download the beta today, and start using it.

I just tried it and it’s pretty cool, looks like they just ported it from the iPhone 4/iPod Touch and just made some modifications to the interface. One thing that I found annoying is that you can’t just type in a number or email you want to FaceTime with, it has to be in your address book, or in your recents tab. Other than that it works well! You do have to sign up for an account, if you don’t already have an Apple Id.

Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Mac OS X Lion

Today Apple also announced the next version of OS X; 10.7 Lion. If you ask me it takes some features from the iOS, however on the sneak peak page on Apple’s website, it does not mention any of the features I was wishing for. I have not watch the full keynote as it is not available yet. Who knows maybe by the time it arrives it will have it. I was hoping for the full GPU acceleration and some other features. Oh well, go to the lion page for more information.

How the iPhone 4 re-upped the ante

Facetime Screen

When the first iPhone came out, it changed the way the mobile phone industry was operating, all other companies scrambled to put something together that would be worthy to battle the iPhone. While some were successful (Google, maybe Nokia), other where not in my opinion (RIM/Blackberry). When I say that, I am not talking about sales, I am talking about a phone and operating system that are coherent.

Next we can all agree that the next two iPhones were just upgrades that were nothing too special other than at the time they were released (except for the 3G upgrade). So when the iPhone 4 came out, it had a new feature called Facetime. What is Facetime you ask? It is a video calling technology that Apple developed. You might think to yourself, who cares Nokia and Sony Ericsson have that that since around 2005. While that may be true, I’ve had the first Nokia phone that had a front facing camera, as well as many others, yet how many times did I use a video call in those three years? Exactly once (no joke), and I was sitting next to the person I was having the call with. We were just testing out the technology. As Felix Dennis mentions in his book How To Get Rich the key to being successful is not about having a great idea, it’s all about execution, and Apple executes second to none.

One of the really cool things about Facetime is that you don’t even need cellular reception to make a call (which makes video calls free all over the world!). Check out this video below of me giving directions to a friend while in the middle of the woods! We had no reception, yet we had wifi internet. While all other phones in the cabin (blackberries) were out of luck when it came to making phone calls, at least I could call people that have a Facetime device (at that time only the iPhone 4).


iPhone 4 Press Conference Friday July 16th, 2010

iPhone 4 White

I was just reading the front page of Engadget when I saw they posted that Apple will be hosting a Press Conference on this Friday. Without even reading the article, this comes to mind, It’s clearly regarding the antenna problems, and secondly I think their might an apology and a recall.

Maybe it was Jeremy Clarkson’s statement that forced them to hold this conference!

Jeremy Clarkson makes fun of the iPhone 4 antenna problem


After reading about the iPhone 4 antenna problem, I’m glad I don’t have plans (as of yet) to purchase one. Today I was watching Top Gear (the most watched tv show in the world FYI), when Jeremy Clarkson made fun of the issue while introducing The Stig. I felt it was really funny, and well worth sharing! One of the main reasons I watch Top Gear is because of Mr. Clarkson’s Humor!

iOS 4 Folders are smart!

iOS 4 Folders

After using iOS 4 for a while I decided to make my home screen take up less pages. To do this I had to take advantage of the new Folders feature released in this version of iOS. To make a folder you simply hold your finger over one icon and when they start to wiggle just drop it on top of another icon. Each folder supports 12 icons inside and you can have multiple folders with the same name (I have two games folders). However this is not the clever part that amazed me. When you make a folder the iPhone pre-labels the folder to the applications’ category. I’m assuming it gets this data from the App Store. I kept trying to make it not match all applications in the folder and after four or five tries I succeeded as you can see in the image below. Organization is hard thing, yet Apple trumps at it.

iOS 4 Folders incorrect