New iPod Shuffle

Apple just released a new iPod Shuffle! It has new features, such as voice over which says the song title, artist name, and even the current playlist name. It’s Much smaller than the previous shuffle and comes in two colors, silver and black. Its now packing 4gb which is double the previous shuffle and is about half the size.
Heres a picture of the new iPod Shuffle:

Birthday Giftcard

So I just got to see some friends that I have not seen in about a week or two, and they had got me a birthday present! It was a gift certificate for futureshop, but seeing how I already bought a hard drive from there, what do you think I should from futureshop? I’m thinking I can keep it until next month when I hopefully buy my macbook and just have it deducted from the overall price! Nevermind I just thought about it, and I can already get $100 off from apple for the educational discount, so that would just be waisting the gift certificate!

New Mac Desktops

Apple has introduced the new updates to their desktops today. The mac mini gets a re-fresh with new specs and 5 usb ports. The Mac pro gets two 8 core cpus! And the iMac gets updated Specs with a price drop! Also the mac keyboard has dropped the number pad! To know more about the specs click the jump.