Fix for FirstClass Mac OS X case sensitive bug

When I updated my Mac Pro to Snow Leopard, I selected the case sensitive filesystem. I could not install Adobe CS because it requires a non case sensitive file system. I was really annoyed by that but I’m sure Adobe has their reasons. I also found that the client my University uses for email (FirstClass) would not work. At first I did not think it was because of the case sensitive issue. Today I found out after tinkering around that it was indeed because of this. I figured out that you must edit the home.fc file in “/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/firstclass/settings/”. To edit it just open the file in TextEdit, or any text editing program you use, and on line 10 just edit the file extension from .FCP to fcp. Make sure to do this before you save your username and password, because the contents of the file will change and it will then be on line 2401. I am going to contact FirstClass and let them know about it hopefully they will fix this minor bug.

Running Google Chromium OS inside Parallels 5

So Google has released a working version of Chromium Os. It is just in the begining phases of development so there’s not much there, and it’s quite slow. Nonetheless I wanted to try it. The way posted on the chromium site, is for Linux geeks, and since I’m not great with Linux, I found there was a way around that. There is a VMware image on, however I am running Parallels 5. I ran a Google search, and found a site that explained step by step how to get it running on Parallels 5. Click Here to visit the tutorial.

Finally here is a picture of me running Chromium OS in Parallels 5.

Click on image for larger size
Click on image for larger size

Call of Duty: World at War 1.07 Update

I don’t play much ps3, but when I do I play Call of Duty: World At War. Today I was notified that there was an update which I installed. I was hoping that this would fix the connection issues in zombies mode. Not only did it fix them, but the levels are much longer now. And aiming is much harder or maybe that’s a glitch. Now I am thinking should I get Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?

Improv Everywhere Videos

A couple of days ago I saw many funny videos created by a group Called Improv Everywhere, thanks to a reddit link. I decided to share these on my blog, enjoy!






Photo of the day – Toronto Scientology handout


Today I was walking in downtown Toronto, when I saw a guy handing out leaflets on the corner of Dundas and Yonge. I usually don’t like taking them but I decided to give it a chance. The front seemed interesting, however I found the Back very funny since, well it was a Scientology ad. I guess the recession really affected their following and they need more. This leaflet really made me laugh. Honestly it just helps prove more that Scientology is just a Product rather than a real Religion, Seriously what Religion has free trials and tests then you go for the full price? My friend was joking around that the person that invented infomercials probably invented this Religion, and I have no problem understanding what he meant.

TinEye: Cool image search engine

Today I was looking at pages that referred traffic to my site and I traced them. I found one very interesting link. TinEye is a new Image search engine, that can find where similar images are on the internet compared to ones that you upload or link to. Someone had uploaded an image of Mfi Multiloader and TinEye linked back to my site. However I noticed that it saves searches in its database which might cause some privacy issues.  None the less this search engine is really cool, and is already being used by Adobe, Associated Press, Digg. If you still don’t understand how this works, just take a look at the video on the faq page.

Photo of the day – Eagletec NanoDisk

Today I recieved a new gadget. It is an Eagletec NanoDisk 8gb USB thumbdrive. The reason I bought it was I had the kingmax 8gb super stick, but it started acting up. The eagletec drive is very tiny and fits on my keychain nicely which is great for school. I left it formatted as fat32 so I can use it on any pc (I would rather use hfs+)

How to debrand a Blackberry using MFI Multiloader

I have never got around to doing this, mostly because I’ve got rid of my Blackberry Curve 8900 a while ago. However some people have contacted me asking how to do it. Coincidentally a contact that had been using my tutorial decided to help me out by sharing the love. All this information is courtesy of Mike Harrington. Please show him some love by visiting his blog.

The first thing you are going to do is run MFI Multiloader. You want the phone to have a 1 on the screen. Disconnect it from the computer and type S T A R T as usual. Now close and reopen MFI Multiloader. Make sure none of the boxes are ticked. Press CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + F12 at the same time to bring up the hidden menu. Click on Load VSM; the file you are looking for is called “VSM-11697-001” It is located in the MEP folder in your MML directory.  C:\MML\MEP\VSM-11697-001. When you select the file it will say “VSM successfully loaded!” Now all you have to do is reload the OS as usual with BB desktop manager. Very simple process and only an extra step when unlocking your phone. This works for every blackberry that is compatible with MFI Multiloader! Your screen will look like this now on boot up instead of the normal AT&T/T-Mobile/Rogers/Telus/Etc.

blackberry debrand

Mike Harrington