Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

Uncharted Drakes Fortune

This is a great new game for Ps3. Its a adventure first person shooter, that is seriously one of the best games of all time. I’ve only played it for a couple of hours, however it is indeed very amusing. How you ask? Well its certainly more realistic than most games, yes it is not 100% realistic in the amount of shots it takes to kill you, but its very realistic in every other sense. Also the graphics are truly astounding and make this game a visual treat. Another tiny detail that i really thought added to the realism is when you die, the game actually shows what happened exactly, not just another generic cut scene like in most games. Thanks to Hassan who bought this game and was very eager about it, or else i would not have known about it. This game came out on the 19th in Canada, supposedly though it was scheduled for the 20th so we picked it up a day early and didn’t face any “sold out” issues. I seriously believe that this game has set a new level for gaming, like max payne did on pc some years ago.

Easy Vector Images

Ever wanted to make your pictures into Vectors? well there are some advantages, like they look amazing, and can can be stretched to any dimension without loosing quality! I found (on lifehacker) This cool website which does it for you


Heres a picture of an iPhone I vectorized

iPhone Vectorized

Concordia Opensearch Plugin Updated

Well, as some of you might have noticed the Concordia Site has been updated, so I have updated my Opensearch plugin (which you can use with firefox or Internet Explorer 7, However i reccomend Firefox as always) this plugin will make searching the concordia.ca website much easier by just having it in the browser so you dont have to go to concordia.ca to search you can search anytime!

Click Here (and then click on Concordia.ca)

Spybot Mirror

I have now become an official Spybot Mirror! good things from this : increased traffic, (since im not using anywhere near the amount i am allowed!), helping fighting spyware, which i despise!

Whats up with Fido?

umm in the last couple of days fido service has been so terrible, and tonight, no network at all. If they have no explanation for this its ganna be real bad for them!

Digg Has the Power!

If you don’t know digg.com you probably live under a rock! I knew about it, but didn’t think it would be useful, as in I already have a bookmark features in Firefox. But I decided it was a great option for when I’m not using my computer (and also to keep my bookmarks uncluttered) and found something interesting, also at the same time you get to see what others find interesting. Finally Digg.com can help out webmasters like myself. When I think i write a post that other digg users find interesting, I digg it hoping I will get responses and traffic ;). But at the same time I make sure the post has something of interest and not just spamming the site. As you know I’m digging this post, so let me know what you think, and your experiances with digg and if its helped you as a webmaster!

Digg sucks, and is controlled. Reddit is better!

Place Cds Face Up!

ok i’m writing this post because a lot of people place cds and dvds face down (label down). This is not the best way to protect your cds, because one simple reason. The data is not written on the bottom side, its on the back side of the label, so its ok if the bottom gets scratched because the laser will still find a way to the data somehow. But if a piece of the label comes off you can kiss your data goodbye because you will never be able to access it again. Btw this is not a guess it is a fact, think about it, when you buy a audio cd or dvd or even blank media that comes in a case, its always label up.