New Phone :)

I got a new phone today! Care to guess which one? yes the Nokia N80 I already know a lot about symbian phones so if you need help or have questions regarding anything with this phone feel free to contact me

Ps3 Video Leaked

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

As you can see it has amazing lighting effects, and rapes the xbox 360

Small Updates

I’ve Made some small updates today here they are
1.Updated from wordpress 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 flawlessly (security issues etc)
2.Added a Gallery Tab at the top of the site so you can access it easier without going to the post about the gallery
3.Updated Gallery From 2.0.4 To 2.1
Thats all keep enjoying the site guys

Windows Live Messenger Invite

Ok guys, Windows Live Messenger is the new msn basically, and I have it and gave it to a few people, I have One Invite, First Come First Serve. Windows Live Has lots of new features, and improvments
UPDATE: Ok guys, just to let you know you no longer need to get invited, just go to and sign in with your email that you use for msn, then sign up for the windows live messenger beta.

Gallery is Down :(

gallery is down for the moment :(, im trying to get it to work properly, certain things aren’t working properly like thumbnails, and the remote upload feature, (a very cool way to put your pics on my site which i will show you how to use when its working)

Thank You!

Thank you everyone who has been visiting my site, and supporting me by clicking ads, downloading Firefox from my site, watching the lahme song lol, and just viewing this site every once in a while. You guys are the ones keeping this site alive. Just wanted to say Thanks again, and stay tuned, I have some ideas brewing in the back of my head that will make this site more interesting, (eg. Prizes, Raffles, Gallery (well its up but the easiest way of uploading won’t work until nefirms allocates more php memory) which I will allow you guys to make your own albums in and upload pictures and keep them there so you will always have your pics everywhere you go, and aswell as the forum, thats up too.

They say build it and they will come (the idiots that is)


Ok, so people that wanna fuck around on the site have started appearing, if you don’t want to post something properly (with your correct email) you’re not ganna get anything on my site (Ashish i know your email isnt ) and who ever tried to register the username test05 and test06, let me remind you that I see everything that is going on my site, and if I want to be an asshole I can, I’ll just ban your IP, and give a nice call to your service provider and let them know you are trying to spam my site, simple as that.