I feel 2008 will be a great year, so lets all try to make it a great one!
I feel 2008 will be a great year, so lets all try to make it a great one!
so now im officially on the download page of spybot, it shuffles every 5 mins so i might not be on it all the time, as there are more mirrors than slots on the page! This is a great start for today!
Today i wanted to download something from bittorrent when i found a very weird array of similar ip address that have the same exact information (client, percentage done, etc) So i did some quick research and found what i was susspecting, they are all bad ip addresses that are there to ruin your downloading! i found a great tutorial on how to fix that here. But ill cut it down to 4 simple steps to make it easier. Btw this tutorial is for utorrent.
1. download this file
2.Press the windows button and the “R” key which will open the run command paste this in without the quotes “%AppData%\uTorrent” extract the file to this folder and rename it to ipfilter.dat
3. Open uTorrent and press Ctrl+P then click advanced and make sure ipfilter.enable is true.
4. Click on the logger tab to make sure its blocking ip addresses.
That’s it now you should be finding all those ip addresses start to disappear. the file is updated daily so if you face problems later download the updated file.
Hey guys, I’ve made the download page for spybot on my site. Hopefully my bandwidth won’t go over, i’ve placed ads because i need to monetize my site.
You won’t understand this unless you’ve seen the show!
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/NmpAx8Z5z40" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
This is a hilarious video!
Get it Here
I beat the game, it was so much fun! I didn’t expect it to be that short though, or maybe I was just too addicted that I didn’t notice time fly by. I played it for only two days, and for just a couple of hours each time so I’m looking forward to a good sequel!
This is a great new game for Ps3. Its a adventure first person shooter, that is seriously one of the best games of all time. I’ve only played it for a couple of hours, however it is indeed very amusing. How you ask? Well its certainly more realistic than most games, yes it is not 100% realistic in the amount of shots it takes to kill you, but its very realistic in every other sense. Also the graphics are truly astounding and make this game a visual treat. Another tiny detail that i really thought added to the realism is when you die, the game actually shows what happened exactly, not just another generic cut scene like in most games. Thanks to Hassan who bought this game and was very eager about it, or else i would not have known about it. This game came out on the 19th in Canada, supposedly though it was scheduled for the 20th so we picked it up a day early and didn’t face any “sold out” issues. I seriously believe that this game has set a new level for gaming, like max payne did on pc some years ago.
Ever wanted to make your pictures into Vectors? well there are some advantages, like they look amazing, and can can be stretched to any dimension without loosing quality! I found (on lifehacker) This cool website which does it for you
Heres a picture of an iPhone I vectorized