Trojan Horse in iWork 09 Torrent

if you downloaded a torrent of iWork 09 make sure you check it for a trojan horse because there have been reports of a copy floating around with a trojan horse which gets you to input your root password (and you think its for the normal installation) and then gives root access to the trojan. wow i think the need for mac antivirus has just started.

Blackberry Media Sync on Windows 7

A lot of programs won’t install or run properly on windows 7 yet, and not many developers have cared since it’s still in beta and If you’ve tried to use blackberry media sync on windows 7 and failed i have found a way to work it. I was always getting an error when trying to install it. so here’s a work around that should get you using the program quickly.
1. once you have the file downloaded Extract its contents using winrar (the exe is just a zip file)
2. press the windows button and r button on the keyboard, type in “cmd” without the quotes and press enter
3. navigate to where the folder to the folder you extracted
4. Rename the msi file to a.msi for ease of use in the next step
4. type “msiexec /a a.msi” without the quotes and press enter
5. now a window will pop up and extract the files you need just select where you want to extract them
6. press the windows button and r button on the keyboard, then type regsvr32 “path to the you extractedBBDeviceFileAccess.dll” with the quotes and everything should work now (when it asks you to download the update say cancel)

if you are having problems let me know, im still syncing the album art as of now. ill update this post once i can gaurentee it works 100%

Update: it works! 😀

Windows 7 First impressions

So i downloaded the beta of windows 7 just to try it out. My first impression is its much faster and more stable than vista. however ive only been using it for 15 mins. Even if it does end up being better than vista, im still switching to mac whenever i have the cash to buy a laptop. there have also been some visual changes such as the window tabs (if thats what its called). when vista first came out i thought it was amazing, why you might ask? because i was caught up in the glossy upgrade from xp, then i got past that and noticed it was the worst os ever created. so with windows 7 i’m going to be impressed with the glossy upgrades. if you have any questions just post them and ill answer

Kingmax 8gb Super Stick


I got this 8gb super stick from kingmax, it was reccomended by kevin rose. Its washing machine and dryer safe (really cool). The read and write speeds are slower than my 8gb cruzer contour but thats the trade off for the tiny size. All in all its a really cool usb stick!