Manfrotto 057 BALL CARBF KIT Q5


While on vacation in Egypt a month ago, my sister asked me if she could keep my tripod since she got a new camera. I told her sure, I’ll just get a new one. This is the tripod I want to buy soon. It is the Manfrotto 057 BALL CARBF KIT Q5. The legs are made of carbon fiber, and features the MH057M0-Q5 pro ball head which allows the camera to move in free form allowing for angles not possible with a normal tripod. The moving head was the icing on top of the cake if you will. How did I find this gem? I was browsing the Manfrotto website for a tripod that would fit my needs, when I saw they have various social networking accounts. I clicked on the vimeo link and watched the video below and saw a demonstration of it. Then I quickly found it on the site. There is no word yet on the price, which I expect to be very high since it’s a professional line Manfrotto product, made from carbon fiber and magnesium, has the new ball head, comes from Italy, and waters your plants (just kidding). However I think it will be worth its price tag, as it should help take my photography to a higher level! Other than the product page there isn’t much info on the net about it.

[vimeo 15223968 400 225]

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