New Mac Desktops

Apple has introduced the new updates to their desktops today. The mac mini gets a re-fresh with new specs and 5 usb ports. The Mac pro gets two 8 core cpus! And the iMac gets updated Specs with a price drop! Also the mac keyboard has dropped the number pad! To know more about the specs click the jump.

Trojan Horse in iWork 09 Torrent

if you downloaded a torrent of iWork 09 make sure you check it for a trojan horse because there have been reports of a copy floating around with a trojan horse which gets you to input your root password (and you think its for the normal installation) and then gives root access to the trojan. wow i think the need for mac antivirus has just started.

New Macbook!

I convinced my friend to get the new macbook, and we both think its very impressive, i just xbenched it (basic specs) and got an overall score of 125.36 let me know how that compares to any former model/upper specs of the new current macbooks!

Until I get a mac

I’m going to install this transformation pack until i get my mac. lats time i tried to use it it didn’t work and messed up my boot on vista, but now its a newer version that hopefully resolved the previous issues, because now the the file is a full install and does not connect to the internet to download the install files

Vista OSX