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kush iPhone Ringtone Pack 1
I created 5 ringtones with iPhoneRingToneMaker and decided to share them, i guess the most popular one will be the Nokia Tune, You can awe people when your iPhone rings with the nokia tune ;).
Leave comments on my site of which other songs u’d like ringtones of and i’ll make them when i have free time.
Ps. sorry if some distort, just lower your ring volume a bit, i try to fix that on the next set of ringtones
Funny Mac VS PC Clip
Check this out i found it on youtube its hilarious
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Egypt wins African Cup!
Woo hoo! I knew our team would win the cup! Now we have high hopes for the world cup, and maybe we can win that too 😉
Congrats to all other Egyptians!
Spybot 1.5.2
Well being an official spybot mirror, i get some benefits, today i opened my email to find i recieved the link for spybot 1.5.2 and i downloaded and installed it. I ran it and first thing i noticed is it looks pretty much looks the same, but has some more bot checks, and runs a bit faster than the older, or i could be wrong and its just all internal changes? The update is now on the download page!
More Melody Commercials
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[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Egypt on its way!
Egypt just defeated Cameroon 4-2 in their first Africa’s cup match in Ghana wow that was amazing, if they keep playing like that then we should win the cup again for a second consecutive win!