Photo of the day – Toronto Scientology handout


Today I was walking in downtown Toronto, when I saw a guy handing out leaflets on the corner of Dundas and Yonge. I usually don’t like taking them but I decided to give it a chance. The front seemed interesting, however I found the Back very funny since, well it was a Scientology ad. I guess the recession really affected their following and they need more. This leaflet really made me laugh. Honestly it just helps prove more that Scientology is just a Product rather than a real Religion, Seriously what Religion has free trials and tests then you go for the full price? My friend was joking around that the person that invented infomercials probably invented this Religion, and I have no problem understanding what he meant.

1 thought on “Photo of the day – Toronto Scientology handout”

  1. Scary group. My wife used to live in downtown Toronto. One weekend, a friend of hers stopped in to visit the Scientology office. He was a lost friend after that. He gave them all his money for tests and abandoned his family and friends in the process.


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