New Macbook!

I convinced my friend to get the new macbook, and we both think its very impressive, i just xbenched it (basic specs) and got an overall score of 125.36 let me know how that compares to any former model/upper specs of the new current macbooks!

I got the iPhone 3g

Well I got the new iPhone 3g in white which means it’s 16gb. I really like the new app store, has really nice applications. I’m using the wordpress application to post this from my iPhone.

Skype doesn’t like Iran?

I was on the on the dlink’s middle east contact page when i found that the skype plugin highlighted all numbers except the ones in iran, i find this weird as you can use skype to call iran, what they don’t like it?

Explanation of My Spybot Mirror

Well my server is technically in the states, however i live in Canada, thats why i told the spybot team to put a Canadian flag next to my mirror, i hope its fast enough for most users, if anyone has any suggestions or would like to host something on my site please contact me.

Benny Lava

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