I got the iPhone 3g
Well I got the new iPhone 3g in white which means it’s 16gb. I really like the new app store, has really nice applications. I’m using the wordpress application to post this from my iPhone.
New Theme
I got bored of the old theme and installed a new one, it’s called Orbitalred
Skype doesn’t like Iran?
I was on the on the dlink’s middle east contact page when i found that the skype plugin highlighted all numbers except the ones in iran, i find this weird as you can use skype to call iran, what they don’t like it?
Explanation of My Spybot Mirror
Well my server is technically in the states, however i live in Canada, thats why i told the spybot team to put a Canadian flag next to my mirror, i hope its fast enough for most users, if anyone has any suggestions or would like to host something on my site please contact me.
Spybot 1.6
Spybot 1.6 has been released and i have uploaded it, sorry for the long downtime.
EnGarde Secure Linux Mirror
I have teamed up with EnGarde Secure Linux and will be hosting a mirror for them, more info coming soon!
Mozilla Firefox 3 World Record Attempt
Download firefox 3 on its release date (during its first 24 hrs) and you can be part of a world record
Benny Lava
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZA1NoOOoaNw" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]