Here is the torrent file also if you have any questions ask here and I’ll try to reply asap!
This is including the storm and javelin! Sorry as of now the storm and javelin are not included if i figure out a way i will post!
Since a lot of people are asking how to use this I’ve updated the post to include instructions! Firstly this is only for GSM phones, do not try this on CDMA phones.
File Downloads: (this does not work with the curve 8900 or the Storm 9500, 9530 yet, So i recommend using v.
FILES REMOVED DUE TO REQUEST FROM RIM (Search google they are easy to find)
1.Place the xml file in and replace the current one. (C:\MML\Configuration)
2.No longer need to disable the internet Unless you did not download and replace the configuration.xml(already done in the configuration.xml file posted above)
3.Backup your phone using Desktop Manager as Mml mfi multiloader will erase everything on the phone.( you will have to reload your OS software from desktop manager so download the latest version HERE)
4. Open mml MultiLoader without your phone connected and make sure both full erase and Autostart are selected.
Here is how MML will look if you are still connected to the internet (you don’t want this):

This is how it looks when you are offline:

5.Now connect your phone via usb, and wait for a minute or two. After its done it should display a 1 on your phone and pass on the mml Multiloader program. (sometimes you have to type start on your phone to finish the process, just look at your phones screen and it might say type “S” “T” “A” “R” “T” to start the phone) if you fail don’t worry keep trying until you get it right, its very hard to permanently brick a blackberry (yes I’ve done it once and it was very hard to do and I wasn’t following directions)
6. Afterward your phone should say “No Application Linked (Factory OS)” that’s no problem, just fire up desktop manager and reload your OS software and then do a restore of your personal data. Now you have an unlocked blackberry!
If you are having trouble with mass storage mode download the fix from above, and follow the directions and it will fix the mass storage problem!
1.Connect your phone to PC via usb cable
2. Open “mass storage activator.bat”
3.Follow instructions
Extra: to access the hidden Menu, press and hold (ctrl+shift+alt+F12)
If you have not been able to unlock your blackberry using this tutorial, or if your blackberry is not compatible with the unlocking software I have teamed up with to offer cheap blackberry unlocking. These guys are the best in the business and they have very cheap/fast service. Click on the banner below and remember to enter the coupon code “kush50” to get 50% off.
can i please have the torrent link to
thanks bro
Does this really work. I cannot open the .exe file to install
Hi my friend ,dou you have the info for unlocking cdma phones using mml
could you please tell me how to access the: c:\mml\configuration\ in my storm
thank you
Mariusz its not in your storm, its on your computer.
I was unable to unlock the Storm – 9500 after updating and following all instructions. If you can email me I can send you the error Image.
im am stuck with the storm and I cant do anything, it wont even connect to the phone says it need oracle version 8.17 i even install oracle client on my pc with no luck any ideas?
how i unlock the blackberry storm for use in mexico
deja de ver como desbloquear un Torch en mexico…… por si te robaste alguno de la planta….. te lo digo desde Canada, Waterloo, Ontario… estamos verificando a donde estan todos y cada uno, y el problema es que, quienes roben los pda tendran problemas con la justicia porque cada uno tiene un sistema de rastreo cuando son activados…..
y si lo compraste en una compania y te quieres cambiar a otra, pues buena suerte desbloqueandolo, y disculpa mis comentarios… pero esta es una de mis labores, gracias por ser un usuario del blackberry, ofrecemos lo mejor que hay en el mercado de móviles… 🙂
nos vemos
Hi, i have an blackberry 8220 and the MFI alwais stucks on: “The MFI file was not found on the local drive. Cannot download from server without an active network connection” Do you hav the solve for that?
I looking for the MFI-17483-005 because i need this file to get unlocked the PEARL 8220.. Anyone knows where can i find it?
Angel Salcedo.. i have the same problem.. you have solved this problem?
Can’t manage to download version 1.8 on the given link. Need a subscription but they are closed on the site.
Is there another place to get version 1.8.
Thanks in advance.
I have emailed you the torrent
Some tips that may be useful to others:
* MML setup.msi has to be in the same directory as all the folders such as /bin are.
* You must have already installed .net 2.0 and then the sp1.
* When I connected the Bold, MML connects, then the device goes into “calibration mode”.
* I then get the error message “System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.” I have not been able to get rid of this error so far. As a last resort, I am installing Oracle client 10g and see if it helps.
* The only way to get out of this mode is to type “start” on the BB keyboard. Nothing else will get it out of this cal mode.
* So far, I have not been successful unlocking the Bold, though I had some hair raising moments when I thought I bricked it!
hey xnok you have to have your internet disabled to have it correct that oracle error disable your network connection or wireless whichever you are using
I successfully un-locked my BOLD. However, my mass storage will not work anymore. I even ry reverting back to no avail. I do NOT recommend this method to un-lock your phone. Use the online IMEI codes instead (much safer…)
Time to get a replacement….
hey hyperWRT
have you tried to fix the mass storage using this?
Ok HyperWRT didn’t have desktop manager installed, he emailed me and let me know after installing desktop manager everything is fine!
Hi Kush
I have a BB – Pearl (T-Mobile)
I have downloaded the software from your torrent I am a bit weak in computing and files it will be of great help if you could give me simple step by step way to unlock my phone
To fix the Oracle error: edit lines 3 & 4 of the configuration.xml to the following:
hey man, i have bb 9530 storm and when i used the mfi show me this message “rtas permission to access command denied. can’tget confirmation. cannot radio off.”, and the screen’s phone show –no application linked–.
Thank you really apreciate for ur answer.
Can I get the link to download mml The one you posted above is from demonoid and they require registration which isn’t working…
appreciate the help.
i have now posted it in the original post.
Hey Kush,
Great website helps alot,
I have a pearl 8100, i have the error 394 message,
What can be done to fix it, or is the phone toast!?
Resolution 1
Perform a hard reset on the handheld. See Support Knowledge Base Article KB-02141.
Resolution 2
Erase and reload the data on the BlackBerry device.
1. In BlackBerry Desktop Manager, use the Backup and Restore tool to create a backup file of the data on your BlackBerry device. For instructions, see “Back up handheld information” in the Desktop Manager Online Help.
Warning: The following steps will erase the data on the BlackBerry device.
2. In BlackBerry Desktop Manager, double-click theApplication Loader icon.
3. Click Next. The Handheld Application Selection window appears.
4. Verify that the correct applications are selected, then clickNext.
5. Click Advanced.
6. Select the option for Erase all application data and Erase all currently installed applications, then clickNext.
7. Click Finish. The data on the BlackBerry device is erased, while the operating system and applications are reloaded onto the BlackBerry device.
8. Use the Backup and Restore tool to restore to the BlackBerry device the data saved in the backup file. For instructions, see “Restore handheld information” in theDesktop Manager Online Help.
It is really nice work,can I ask you what to do to unlock my blackberry 8300 ??
I tried many times but without any success
I am looking for the file MFI-17483-005 for my FLIP 8220. Can any one send it to me via . Many thanks
mml does not currently work with the 8220 flip
If MML doesnt work with the flip. . . then what does?. . .the storm is a newer phone and got dibbs on being unlocked! wow they got me on this one
as of now it does not unlock the storm where did you read that it does?
Can I unlock a BB Storm 9530??? or a BB Storm 9500??
so, it is not or it is possible unlock operator using MFI Multiloader for BB Storm 9530 verizon? Because I tried step by step like most people say in many forum, the last result is…..”unable to cast COM object of type RIMRADIOCOMLib.RIMRadioObjClass” to interface type ‘RIMRADIOCOMLib.IConnection’. This Operation failed because the query interface call on the COM Component for the interface with IID …….failed due to the following error : no such interface support …I’ll wait for your answer….many thanks.
Hey Kush, I’ve got a blackberry 8310 and what to change the IMEI and Pin to connect to EDGE on my service provider. I’ve downloaded Radio Lab Tool but it doesn’t work. Can you help me throgh it?
Here’s my email
Many thanks!!!
I bought the blackberry 9000 with orange network i tried the multiloder method i get the fail message with error as
unable to cast COM object of type RIMRADIOCOMLib.RIMRadioObjClass” to interface type ‘RIMRADIOCOMLib.IConnection’. This Operation failed because the query interface call on the COM Component for the interface with IID …….failed due to the following error : no such interface support
pls help Mr.Kushhari
hey ema and handi you must disable your internet and network connections
Hey Kush,,
This is Tushar and i hv one BB 8310 locked.. I want to unlock its SIM and Media Card. I know this required MEP code to unlock it which is i dont hav. Plz do send me the exact process of Unlocking all this.. I m really confuse… Plz tell me by considering i hv ZERO knowledge about it.. Reply me via email ..
Plz provide me the help from zero level ….
Yours Faithfully
Tushar Shinde.
please I need all steps to unlock my blackberry curve 8300 using the MML im confused about using it. if you please can provide me with all steps. im a beginner in this way. thx a lot.
if you want i have a guide to unlock your cellphone.
My e-mail is
I hope can help you.
See ya.
hey kush,
really helpful blog you have going on. Can you please help me. I have done all the prep work for the unlock on my storm. When I open mml and connects to my device, it starts then say fail. Then my storm just ends up restarting….Am i missing something here. Please help.
It says on top “STORM & JAVELIN”
But I read in one of your posts that it does not do it.
Can you confirm before i brick this phone 😉
Chris Collins
yeah it doesnt unlock them yet, or at least no one has found out how to. i stopped keeping up to date because i have classes now and have to focus. 🙂
Hey guys, Ive unlocked all kinds of blackberries and today i tried to unlock a blackberry 8800, when i connect it to USB it says Unknown Device, my usb cable its okay! because i connect mine and it works fine!!!
Please someone can help me!?
so, there is no such thing for 9500 storm unlocking as of now? please post if someone had unlocked it successfully.
hi kushari,
i got the same problem unlocking my bb 8800 with the mfi mulitolader.
everytime i try, i get the error message failed, because “unable to cast COM etc…” i disconected the pc from internet, nothing happend. still failed.
what do i have to do
thx a lot
I have been trying to unlock my 8900 by using MFI and am continuously getting ‘RTAS access to command denied errors’. I’ve tried the following MFI files after modifying the config files to point to the correct MFI files:
All have failed. Tried using the Clear MEP command on the hidden menu and i get the same error (only faster)
I have tried using RIMs Radio Lab and even that gives me the same error.
Have you got any ideas, it would be greatly appreciated.
BTW: using MML
Hey kush,
I m successfull in unlocking Media card ..
But now i want to unlock SIM.
I m hving MFI multiloader, BB desktop manager, BB Master control program.
Now plz tell me with MFI their 8 .rar files are there.. and one setup file MMLSETUP.msi.. what to do with this .. My question is that i hv to unzip all to one folder or just run .msi file…
Please tell me the further procedure. to unlock…
Waiting for your reply..
need help wit nextel blackberry 8350i can it be unlock and how to do so. i tried and got a abort massage. confuse wat to do next
you can not (in the sense) unlock a cdma phone
need help, im trying to unlock a storm, and getting this error.
PLZ help me out.
To circumvent the action of disabling your internet for MML Loader to work, I noticed a few people posted a fix but this fix does not work. Here is the fix I applied for myself and it worked great, internet connected and unlocked my berry.
Change the following in the Configuration.xml
I noticed that version 2 of MML Loader required the UpdateActive=false to open with internet connected.
Hope this helps.
To circumvent the action of disabling your internet for MML Loader to work, I noticed a few people posted a fix but this fix does not work. Here is the fix I applied for myself and it worked great, internet connected and unlocked my berry.
Change the following in the Configuration.xml
—(line 3)
database name=”RIMSOUTH” type=”oracle” enabled=”true”
database name=”RIMSOUTH” type=”oracle” enabled=”false”
—(line 4)
logging station=”32″ type=”oracle” operation=”MFI” prd=”GEN-MFI_LOADER” enabled=”true”
logging station=”32″ type=”oracle” operation=”MFI” prd=”GEN-MFI_LOADER” enabled=”false”
—(line 10)
parameter name=”UpdateActive” value=”true”
parameter name=”UpdateActive” value=”false”
—(line 26)
path type=”update” local=”$(LocalRoot)\Update” remote=”T:\RMA\MML\Update” default=”update.xml”
I noticed that version 2 of MML Loader required the UpdateActive=false to open with internet connected.
Hope this helps.
last guy you forgot to set the correct value for line 26.
So, what is the correct value…
I have that “unable to cast COM” with all my devices…
I have uploaded a new configuration.xml that should fix that
So, dude…what are the correct values for line 26th.
I performed the unlock… before reading that it doesn’t work for a 9530. Now my BlackBerry is bricked and won’t turn on. How do I reset it?
hey mike, just follow these directions
Sup Kush? i’ve got a question, i’ve installed MFI correctly and followed the instructions to letter but somehow everytime i plug my phone (Bold 9000) the MFI program doesn’t do anything, it just stays on the same screen and doesn’t appear to recognize my phone but when i open bberry device manager it says my phone is connected. please help. thanks
Did you try opening MFi, and then connecting the phone, or disconnecting the phone and then reconnecting it, all while mfi is open? sometimes that happens.
Yeah i opened MFI first before connecting the phone, disconnecting / reconnecting but nothing happens. it’s frustrating. Got any suggestions?
What operating system are you using? I reccomend Xp, or vista. Do not use windows 7. If you are using Vista, try using Xp its more stable, and runs better. Finally which version of desktop manager are you using?
i’m using windows xp, desktop manager
everything good? i wonder what im doing wrong.
Try using another computer, desktop manager shouldn’t have an effect on it, but try using 4.6 ( i feel its better than 4.7 anyways)
replace the bbdvmger.exe file in the directory of rim for the one who came whith mml and must work fine.
Still doesn’t work. freakin’ frustrating.
I can’t get MFI to load at all. On Vista x64..
04-16 20:36:36 : UnhandledException:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type ‘BBDEVMGRLib.DeviceManagerClass’ to interface type ‘BBDEVMGRLib.IDeviceManager’. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID ‘{C716830B-A0F4-46DF-B82A-548CFB08755E}’ failed due to the following error: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).
at BBDEVMGRLib.DeviceManagerClass.get_Devices()
at MML.frmMain.EnableControlsSafe(Object obj)
On XP..
04-16 19:35:29 : UnhandledException:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at MML.frmMain.EnableControlsSafe(Object obj)
What is going on here? I can’t find anything similar to this out there. I’ve tried everything I can think of.
i have the same errors on vista 64 and xp 32 bit mfi will not load
fix on xp with download and install of .net framework 3.5 sp1 and reboot!!!
Install BDM. I had the same error and fixed by installing the missing BDM.
Hello people, just wanted to let you know that I’ve successfully unlocked the Blackberry 8300 and Blackberry 7290 both using MML and the other files. Will post more updates as I successfully unlock other models.
Has anyone unlocked any Blackberry Bold’s as yet with any of the MML software versions? If so please let me know which one you used. Thanks.
Yap, I have unlocked bold with both versions
Yeah jerryboy i have unlocked many bolds, the works better anyways. PS the phone can be running any software version!
hola, estoy desbloqueando un BlackBerry curve 9300, y estoy utilizando MML y sale este error: Unable to cast COM object of type ‘BBDEVMGRLib. DeviceManagerClass’ to interface type ‘BBDEVMGRLib.IDeviceManager’…. No se que ams hacer… Me puedes ayudar…pleasee.
hi Kush,
i have unlocked 8100,8120,8800,8820,8310,8300,8320,9000. Now i have upgraded MFI version to but still i cant unlock 8900 and 9500 . It is loading software successful but the final attempt usb is not recognizing so operation will failed
can u tell me instructions on how to unlock the 9000
hi Kush,
i tried to unllock 9500 but i am an error ” Load flash image faild (MFI-21968-001)
OS is not crypto signed .
what is the problem ?
Thank you very much .
Hey Kush,
Thanks for all the help you are rendering.
But I tried all the steps as per the instructions :
Installed the BB desktop soft > Dotnet 2.0 > BB Rogers file > Deleted the apploader file > Installed the MML 1.8 version > Replaced the MML folder in C :
When connected the BB without the SIM and Media Card , gives me the error
I trying to unlock my BB BOLD 9000 [ Rogers ]. Can you suggest What I am doing wrong.
Thanks for all your help.
Hey K910, seems that you have not replaced the files inside the mml folder properly. I say this because the Bold 9000 should be an easy phone to unlock. I’ve done more than 10 with no problem just connected it and worked. Let me know if this helps, if not I can help you Troubleshoot.
Help.. where can i find that xml file that needs to replace the other one?
Can u help me please?
Help.. where can i find that xml file that needs to replace the other one?
Can u help me please?
Would be great..
I just did the same thing and now no matter whether I use the 1.8 or 2.0 version I get an error with a flashing X in the box and the error “PIN: 00000000
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt”
What do I do to reload the blackberry software? I can’t use the desktop manager because it doesn’t recognize the blackberry with no PIN.
Hi K910, I downloaded somewhere a program called BB-UNLOCKER, it came with the MFI MML program also, both where installed Ok but I am still afraid to use them, how do I know if I have the OS in my BB Desktop, how do I reload the OS, what about the factory settings, the brand and all that stuff, is it safe, sorry but I am not very technic about cell phones , can you help me.
Thanks in advance,
Hey Thor, on June 21st,
You probably shouldn’t try using MML or BB-UNLOCKER since MML requires some ingenuity and familiarity with the BB and the desktop software and if you have no idea what your backup ipd files are or where they are…… then you’re bound to fug up MML no matter what.
More than likely, the same darwinistic forces that preclude you from understanding most of your household appliances and likely one of the primary sources of your misery whether your toaster or battery powered sticky device kept in your nightstand… a symbolic reminder of this advice.
You, really, just need to bite the bullet and pay for your unlock codes Ray Charles and myself can see this train wreck coming if you tried using unsanctioned software to unlock your phone.
Don’t listen to me, instead just remember the last time you tried to do something out of bounds with an electronic device then scratch the resultant scar on some part of your body that resulted from the electrical burn, exploded battery or the sore knuckle in your hand from the wall you punched in frustration.
You wanker.
I THANK YOU MUCH KUSH!!!!! your tutorial worked perfectly. I unlocked my sons BB 8800 without a stutter. Your work is greatly appreciated. Peace.
The MML just not RUN, do you know what can be?
Installed .NET 2.0 and try to run (show huge error) and MML (Open, but not connect on the phone)
Any idea what can be?
can i flash the 9630 bold blackberry cdma?want to change the service to metropcs i know how but dos this program will unlock it for me or do i need the mfi file………………………ty
No i would not try it with a Blackberry 9630 Bold Cdma.
i tried with my BB 8707g, everything goes ok with mfi multiloader but at the end the network is still locked, what can be the problem, is 8707g phone not supported with this software, please reply if any suggestion
This is what happened when i ran the app. BlackBerry Bold 9000 using mml
Unable to cast COM object of type’RIMRADIOCOMLib.RIMRadioObjectClass’ to interface type ‘RIMRADIOCOMLib.IConnection’this operation failed because the queryinterface call on the com component for the interface with iid (fe9513a0-9002-11dd-baea-0002a5d5c51b)failed due to the following error :no such interface supported (expection from HRESULT :0x80004002 (e_nointerface).
Did you disable your internet connection before running the program? If you did and it still says online, You might have hamachi installed. I had to disable connection on a friend’s computer to get it working.
I am soooo lost I have the Blackberry Bold Model:RBT71UW and the sticker indicates its a 9000. I get this error:
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
YIKES….any suggestions would be very helpful. I am running win XP SP3
Soory i should further ad to that…I am running MML V
Hey Steve, I saw that you said could you please try running it with I found that this works better, if you still have this problem let me know we can troubleshoot more.
You are so quick!
Ok im totally excited I don’t know what the hell I did but IIIII did something lol, if it isnt broken BREAK IT lol. Ok seriosly,
I ran the 1.8.13 and I got this wicked black X across the screen and then this haha,
“error logging result to database. (station=’32’, prd=’gen-mfi loader’- operation =’mfi’, fast=’false’ oracle client requires oracle client 8.1.7 or greater.
so anyways i made that go away and typed in start on my bb and whammo NOTHING
Hey steve, Make sure your internet is disconnected, that’s probably why it said error logging to the database
then i got a bsn # i can only assume they are talking about my serial #?
Hey Kush have you find the way to unlock the 8900 gsm with ten new security code? with MFI please let me know i just have one more try on mine before it get lock for ever.
Hi. I followed your instructions closely, but at the part where I plug the BB7290 after I started MFI Multiloader offline, nothing happens on the BB7290. no #1, the screen keep the same, never change, except for the light to come off. MFi stay at “Connect a device to begin…” I waited a full night. I tried with the BB7290 On and Off. MFi doesnt enter the “Pass” part. I was able to enter Blackberry Desktop Manager and install/updates application. But its still lock to Rodgers. I got a Blackberry 7290.
This might sound stupid, but did you connect the phone before opening the program? If so try opening the program prior to connecting the phone
Hello Kush. Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, program was open before I plogued the phone.
I tried again after a computer restart and it still doesnt go to the Pass status, always waiting for a BB to be connected. Full erase and Autostart are ON. When i plug it, I hear a USB pluging, unpluging and plunging sound. (3 sounds) I use XPSP3. is it a com port problem?
Yes, I would say it is a usb controller problem, try it on another computer.
I had same problem with you and found out the problem. The problem was my Desktop Manager. I had 5.0 DM. i uninstalled it and installed DM 4.7 and the problem solved.
Thanks for leaving a reply of how you fixed your problem Cash!
I keep getting a RIMRADIOCOM error when I try and unlock bold 9000. Internet is off all files done the right way still cant figure it out
That might be that your phone’s radio unit has been ruined (stewie’s accent). The only thing that I can think of is getting a replacement phone.
Hey Kush, thank you for your tutorial, but i gotta problem. MML1.8.1.3 doesnt see my Blackberry 8320.
I tried with and w\o disabling net connection.
I tried wiping with JL Cmder and reinstall OS with Desktop manager.
Can you please help me ?
I tried with another PC. And still nothing. I got the same problem with Zagguy.
Now i’m trying ,
-wiped phone wit JL cmder
-Installing another carriers OS
I will try again wit MML after these, i hope it works 🙁
I’d like to know so I won’t have to lose my time on this….does this work on BlackBerry flip 8220 or not.
Dear Kush,
I tried to unlock my BB Bold 9000. I have a problem with using the MFI Multiloader. Followed all the steps, but the MFI Multiloader doesn’t show the device. I keep waiting for minutes but nothing seems to happen. Need to go into the cal mode for unlocking the device. Tried everything and am very desperate now. Hope you can help.
OK. Got MML to show up the device.
Possible solutions for the problem:
1) Delete Desktop Software Version 5.0 and install Version 4.6.
2) Get rid of the MicroSD Card inside the Phone, if you have got one.
3) First start MML, then connect the BB.
But now i have got the RIMRADIOCOM Error. Anyone has a solution ?
OK. Solved the RIMRADIOCOM Error. You need to
manually include the dll-Files in the C:\MML\bin folder.
Follow these steps:
1) Open
2) Type regsvr32 c:\mml\bin\RIMRadioCOM.dll
3) Type regsvr32 c:\mml\bin\GRSNVLibCOM.dll
4) Type regsvr32 c:\mml\bin\BBCFPCOM.dll
That’s it. Now you should get your BB into the Cal Mode,
where the No. 1 stands into upright corner.
New Problem: BB says : No Application Linked. What do I have to do ?
I’ve had a user of this Tutorial send me a picture of what he has done, he has setup a blackberry unlocking station. He has three computers constantly unlocking blackberrys.When he sent me the email he had unlocked about 50, and that was a long time ago. Best of luck to Michael and to everyone else using this tutorial!
Thank you for contacting me Michael!
Ps. I really enjoy when someone contacts me letting me know that I have helped them!
Where can i find for starters these files?
I got on package that included MML But i do not know which xml files i have to replace. Is that another download or is it the one in the update folder?
And which additional mml files are we talking about? where are these?
hey i’ve tried unlocking a pearl 8120 and the process seems to be successful as all the items say disabled when i perform an “meppd”. However i still get an invalid simcard error when i place a sim in the phone. Any ideas?
can you tell me the exact process you followed?
ok, I think i was able to get it done after several tries. I disconnected my internet, ran the mml program , then after getting the pass on the program and the 1 on the screen, i unplugged the phone then entered “START” on the phones keypad, then deselected the options in the mml program, reconnected the berry then did ctrl+shift+alt+12 then chose the load vsm option, and browsed to the c:\mml\mep and selected the “VSM-11697-001” file. what that did was debrand the phone. The phone no longer carried the company logo which i think was the reason why my phone was showing all fields as disabled when you perform an meppd , but yet still it gaved an invalid simcard error.
is it possible to unlock a blackberry that is password protected?
Yeah, you should be able to. Just put in the password before connecting it to mfi multiloader
Hi Kush,
I have been following of your instructions as mentioned in your blog however during the Nuking process I kept on getting the FAIL at the end it says: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {6EDE3FE5…………….} failed due to the following error
: 8007007e. The display on my Blackberry 9000 now is just showing “No Application Linked . I didn’t get the ‘1’ popping up on my screen….Could you advice me what has gone wrong?
Note: I have disconnected my PC from internet and have pulled out my simcard.
Thank you very much.
Hi , can any one help me, can i able to unlock BB 9530 Strome?
Hey vel, as of now no you can not use this software to unlock the blackberry storm
hi i bought blackberry storm 2 in local market and after few days it blocked i know i thought its cheap anyway is there anyway i can change imei on this phone so it will start work again i tried all software everything and find on google no joy. pls. help me dont know what to do as radio tool software dont work.
Hi Kush,
What other solution do you suggest current for the storm to Unlock. Is there anyother software in the market to unlock it.
Please help.
The easiest way is to unlock it on ebay, its not too expensive, but currently there is no free software that will do it.
If we have Desktop version 5.0 or later the MFI Loader will not work
it doesnt work on the storm.
hey, when you enter blackberry mep2 codes more than 10 times i understand they become permanently locked to the network they were tied to.Does anything different happen on the phone? are there any warnings? what difference is there when your phone is permanently locked?
hey, i have just done some thing really stupid, for a bout a week now i have been trying to unlock my bb8800 untill i stumbled onto this site, well i finally managed to get the mfi multiloader working but then it said my fone was password protected which am guessing made the whole process to be on pause so wat I DID WAS QUITE THE PROGRAME-in trying to do this i got a warning about making the system unstable if i quite BUT I QUITED ANYWAY AND NOW ALL AM GETTING ON MY BB IS A CROSSED OUT CIRCLE with a box inside it and 3small shapes inside the box with 507 written under neath this now bricked and can ANY ONE HELP ME WITH THIS… THANX
Hey 16barz, that means your operating system has been wiped off the phone, you need to use blackberry desktop manager to restore the os on to your phone. To do that download desktop manager as well as downloading the latest operating system for your phone. If you do not know how to do that, go to and they have a forum where you can learn how to do so.
hi kush, just wanted to ask. can i use the MFI multiloader to just de-brand the bb tour 9630? as i have already unlocked the set, i just need to get rid of the verizon branding on the phone
and btw. is it true that the mfi multiloader only works on win xp sp2? i had win xp sp3 and it doesnt seem to load and keep giving the error sound.
Hey Kush,
I want to try this but the links you have been posting for the older version of mml keep getting wiped out. Got a fresh link for all the tools I need to unbrand and unlock my 8900?
Thanks m8
Actually, Kush.
I want to debrand my phone. I have the BB 8900. Many people I see with 8900 have it debranded. Has a way been confirmed yet? I have searched hi and low for the MML and can not find it. I have a VSM pack I got from another site. I don’t want to get into this if it can’t be done.
Numerous sites have reported success and others, failure. I’d like your opinion and if you have any advice at all to give and guidance, I am all ears.
Hey Massive, I have not personally tried doing it since I now have an iPhone. A reader of my blog did a write up on how he did it, and i posted it on my website, you can find it here
can any1 share configuration.xml and flash image for storm 9500 that i can copy in manually please?
Hi, Kush
dont know if you got my email but I try to connect Radio Tool with my BB 8900 but got Error Log message in Radio Tool:
Radio Error: Timeout. Cannot reconnect to radio. The device may be password enabled. please ensure that the password is disabled before connecting.
Connecting with MFI does not work either and I have all the files (8 rar’s etc). Do I need to go in to cal mode in order to connect with Radio Tool?
My 8900 is unlocked never was locked, no SIM or Net Lock.
Hey Mike,
The MML software currently does not work with the Blackberry Curve 8900, and newer phones.
i have a same problem. i tried unlock my blackberry 9000 with mml.
but it failed with the error “Radio Error: Timeout. Cannot reconnect to radio. The device may be password enabled. please ensure that the password is disabled before connecting.”
my pin become 0000000
what do i have to do to save my blackberry. plz help me.
I just rececntly unlocked and debranded my Bold 9000, i want to rebrand it with the telus vsm but MFI wont connect anymore. Do you know which vsm file i should use to achieve this? the only reason i want to do that, is to set the carrier id on the phone so it hopefully wont be roaming all the time, so the phone thinks its a telus phone… Would this be possible?
I got mfi to connect, now i just need to figure out which mfi to use… i downloaded a package where someone categorized the files to the specific carriers… Just need to know which one would work the best for the bold 9000
Sorry Nathan, I have never tried to rebrand a phone. I’m not even sure that would solve your problem. If you really want to find out check out the forums on they will probably be able to help you better.
Unfortunately the moment you mention MFI multiloader on crackberry, they shut you down.. lol
Wow, I did not know that. How about asking them how to fix your problem, that way they would have to mention it. Maybe you can fix it without using MFI Multiloader. I’m sorry I can’t be of much help now, because I am using an iPhone.
Just wanted to shoot a thanks to the people in their fourum, with your help and a couple of other posts i got this bold baby of mine unlocked, no thanks to rogers! suck it rogers.
Hiya i was wondering if it was possible to unlock and change the imei on my
blackberry storm basically one broke so i got a replacement so now i have two and was wondering if i could unlock the one which is blocked because i got the newer one and unlock it to all networks.
If you read at the top, it says this will not work with the storm, sorry.
I’ve successfully unlocked a number of Bold 9000’s. I’ve had a gap & came across another device I needed to sort… so…
I first of all upgraded all the software using the latest Desktop Manager (why?!?!?).
I downgraded to 4.6 & removed a corporate security policy that required a complex password (replacing the policy file during a restore).
I then, accidentally, used MML without checking the ‘nuke’ box (full erase).
The LED now flashes twice and eventually the following error is reported:
“Timeout. Cannot reconnect to radio. The device may be password enabled, please make sure the password is correct. Cannot connect to radio.”
Any ideas?
Hey Kush
I emailed you bit never got a reply!
Anyway, I found a BB 8220 phone and its on orange (contract) but it’s been locked. i guess!
I insurted my sim card and the signal showing SOS haha
Anyway, I did followin some stepfs of wipin the OS, “No Application Linked (Factory OS)” and tried to run the MML but it does not let me CLEAR THE MEP! it says
RTAS permission to access command denied. Cant get confirmation. Cannot set MEP data. Cannot load MEP file.
So I am stuck. What to do now?!
Plsss let me know, and notify to my email for ur reply.
Good evening everybody I have a problem with my bb 9500 Storm is blocking my network since I introduced the wrong codes to unlock is there a way to unlock my network?
Well, when you enter the code, it should say how many retries you have. Most are more than 10, I’ve also seen some that are 255. This means you should have many retries.
Hey Kush,
Can you please send me a zip/rar of the working setup for the 9000 unit please. I have tried maybe 5 diff versions and all. They all fail at ‘making CCF’ or something of that sorts. Perhaps i have a bad MML.
I don’t think so, what version of windows are you running with which service pack.?
I used to unlock bold 9000 with it… .and many other but it seems that now they have done some update to the devices and that they dont get unlocked easily now… with the MML files.
is there any older version with you guys whihc can do the job for 8900 Javelin
i went through the steps and everything seems fine… however I am not able to send or receive data (phone calls or text) I am using a 8100 pearl… i went into advance settings and type “meppd” and shows every thing lock:
-SIM Disabled
-Network Disabled
-Service provider Disabled
-Corporate Disabled
I tried to type in “mepp2” but it does not recognize it.
Please help
Hi Kush, just wondering if this will work on a Bold 9700. Thanks.
Hi Tim, sorry it doesn’t your best bet is to have your carrier unlock it or head on over to
My phone is already unlocked, I just wanted to unbrand the phone but guess the 9700 is not supported with this program yet.
Hey Kush,
I’m’nt able 2 see 1 on d screen and PASS on the program. I’m using MML- for my BB-8320 Curve. Al I can see is No Application Linked Please suggest me.
You need to reload the operating system as mml wipe the phone.
Thanx Kush, i’ve reloaded the OS bt still its d same…
For those of you who can’t unlock your blackberry try the cheapest/best remote unlocking service online. Remember to use the coupon code “crackb50” to receive a 50% discount. Just click on the banner below.
I think i have done most stuff correct, not sure. i plug in my blackberry 8320 then on MML(version it says ‘cannot create CFP instance.Please ensure the BBCFPCOM driver is registered’ Any thoughts anyone? probably a stupid mitake but first time doing this.
Hell, i bought the Blackberry Bold 9000 it was already unlocked – i called Telus i got a data plan and the phone works but NO DATA???? Telus said they opened the gateway so i had to find a way to get data activated?? HELP.
Thanks, Sabrina
It’s okay – i’ve got it to work. THANKS!
Glad you did. Sorry I didn’t reply in time.
Hi Kush,
I have been following of your instructions as mentioned in your blog however during the Nuking process I kept on getting the FAIL at the end it says: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {6EDE3FE5…………….} failed due to the following error
: 8007007e. The display on my Blackberry 9000 now is just showing “No Application Linked . I didn’t get the ‘1′ popping up on my screen….Could you advice me what has gone wrong?
Note: I have disconnected my PC from internet and have pulled out my simcard.
Thank you very much.
I meant I have a 8330
to kush-
i have tried everything it says on this and i still cant get the mml to recognize the blackberry 9000
1) Copy [BbDevMgr.exe] from the location C:\MML\bin\
2) Overwrite the one in the location C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers\
hi sorry to bother you all, im trying to figure out something..
i first want to unlock two phone : blackberry 8320 and blackberry 8830 world edition.
the 8320 is from comcel in columbia and the world edition is from telus in canada,
both of em are prolly reported as lost or stolen.
i would like to debrand both of those phone then being able to use em as PAY PER TALK phone, with hspda SIM ( now available for 10$ at Telus )
could you please tell me if PIN to PIN would work without data plan ?
im trying to figure out a way to make those phone .. “ghost”
generated imei and pin that match algo, and have services. but using canadian SIM only to have a number. i will be using both of these phone ONLY for SMS
I think to unlock an 8900 you would need MFI-19441-021. I have tried 023 and 007. Neither of those work. I do not have 021. if anyone has it would be great if I can get it.
Please I need the MFI-19441-007 original send to my email, but I don’t have yours. Be figuring out.
You guys are awesome. I cant even open the MML and you already unlocked a bunch of files. I have the blackberry 7290. I dont know how to unlock it. Its from the cingular network.
Also if anyone can help me unlock my Sidekick 2008 please do. It locked to the T-mobile network.
if you are going to use third party USB cables, makes sure that they have the RU or UL mark for best performance.~:~
Hey! Kush,
Is there a way to unlock BB bold 9700 by any chance?
Thanks Man!
Yes I need this answer too! can you unlock the BB 9700 with MML?
No you can not. At this time MML only unlocks the 9000, and prior models. If you click on the banner in this post you can unlock the 9700 for very cheap.
good night
someone have mfi 21392-008 for bb 8350i
Good Morning! Does it works on 8220 Flip??
kush…pls. help… on how to get rid of RTAS error upon clearing MEP for BB8900
btw.. i did run the batch file and it was successful…
im trying to unlock a bb bold 9000 but i keep getting the error “cannot connect to boot image communication timed out”. ive been searching all day and i cant seem to find any answers on this. can you help me?
Any ideas on the Sprint CDMA 8130? Anyone hear of an unlock?
If I pay to get my 9700 unlocked, will I be able to use it with Boost Mobile?
Does boost mobile use gsm or is it CDMA? If it uses gsm then yes!
where i put the mfa file in witch directory ?
Hello Kush,Will i be able to unlock my BB curve 8520 by using MFI loader
im trying to unlock the blackberry 8120, everything was working find it even get wipe and everything but at the end it keep saying UNABLE TO LOAD MFL FILE IN LOCAL. whats that suppose to mean
hi kush
while trying to unlock my blackberry 9000, after clicking on start, it goes through the whole process and then when it comes to full connect, it bring up FAIL and gives the error unable to cast COM object of type ‘RIMRA…..
please help. what do i do?
I think that means your bold is dead. Happened to me once, it might just be the 3g, so if you disable 3g before turning on the radio it might work.
Hello kush,
I have read your post and all the probs. people have with MFI.
Was wondering, does MFI work with the BB 8530/8520?
Having password detected and them failure to connect to bootrom image error.
Thanks in advance!!!
No it does not, sorry about that.
Well…. you didn’t do it so I wouldn’t be sorry.
Thanks for your time! It is invaluable to know if something works or not so I know which direction I should go next.
Hi Kush,
I think this is one fantastic piece of software, and have managed to unlock, and debrand, 8310, 8320 Curves, and 9000 Bold, but it will not recognise my 8900 Curve at all.
I have tried both versions of MFI, with all possible variations of “Auto Start”, and “Full Erase” checked, and un checked, and still no joy with the handset being detected.
When I connect the handset to my PC ( running XP Pro SP2) the phone is detected, and starts to charge, but MFI will just not burst into life.
Is there anything you can suggest that I can try, to make the software pick up my 8900 Curve?
The hanset is currently running, but I have also tried it with 4.6 too, and still nothing when connected to MFI.
Any help you can pass on would be very gratefully accepted.
Many thanks.
MFI does not work with the curve 8900.
what would be the alternative to unlock 8900?
You have to pay for it. There is a good company I deal with, click on the banner above the comments.
Hi is i have locked my phone trying to unlock it.Is there any way i can unlock my phone with software.I have bb storm 9550..I need answer to know if there is software that can help me unlock my storm.Thanks in advance.
No, it does not work with any of the storm phones.
Hi, kush I tried mfi with my 9630 and did not work,when i checked the hh files it only goes to 9530 ,is it possible to unlock it?
Thank you
yes, check the link on the page, you have to pay to unlock the new blackberries. I have a discount code, read the post.
I tried unlocking my BB 8900. It went all OK, but in the end error “NO PRODUCT CONFIGURATION AVAILABLE” appeared. A message from Busy changes to orange ABORT.
To make matters worse, now the phone only blinks the red LED twice instead of booting up. What should I do?
If you read, it clearly states that this does not work with a blackberry curve 8900.
Hi i flashed my bold 9000. But it “FAILS” with the following errors:
Timeout. Cannot reconnect to radio. The device may be password enabled, please make sure the password is correct. Cannot connect to radio.
And my pinnumber is also 0000000
So if you have any ideas let me know please!
And my pinnumber is also 0000000. Please help me asap!
If you follow the tutorial to the letter you should have no problem. Are you disabling your internet connection when doing so?
Yes everything is disabled. I googled around and it seems its smartcard protected. Since i bought it second hand, i cant remove the protection. So you got any idee how to remove the smart card protection first, after that i could flash it. Because it keeps saying “The device may be password enabled, please make sure the password is correct. Cannot connect to radio.” Even when i only try to load a VSM file.
Hi Peter, yo can fix this problem? Im from mexico, and I have too that problem, could you help me please, if you fixed the problem.
Hi Kush,
I have tried this method to unlock my bold 9700 but I’ve just seen that it does not work with this device… You can maybe help me though: I tried unlocking with a code but the code was wrong and finally now, I have no attempts left to enter another code! Do you have any solution to this problem? Like, if it is possible to reset the counter? Or to unlock it by other means?
Really great job btw!
Sorry Kevin, I don’t know. I have asked the guys over at and will let you know when they reply!
Okay thanks! Hope they give you a positive answer quickly then. :))
Hey Kevin, they said the phone has to be there physically, so see if you have a blackberry unlock shop in your area.
getting error
“unable to connect to bootimage”
same with me…….
Hey kush I have a BB curve 8520 with no more entries for the mep2 code for unlock so there’s other way or may I use this way to do it?
Yeah, physically at a store.
Thanks for all your tips, I was able to unlock my BlackBerry pearl with mep code paid much much less than other providers .I got it from many researchs and now i am able to do many services regarding this model. My friends often pay me when i solve their problems regarding Blackberry. final thanks to the site providing the excellent service, also got my LG Xenon GR500 unlocked in first try. you are the best superb!!!!! thanks to Blackberry
unable to load mlf multi loader it opens for 2 to 3 sec & closes im using windows 7 ny solution 4 tat
now i m able to load my mlf multiloader but , i when i connect my device to the data cable it stilll stays ” connect a device to begin ” wat should i do ???
Hi kush i got the rogers bb 9700 it wont accptpe my mep code it keeps sayin code error even thou i got the mep from bb logger … with my imei is there a way to find out another solution
has ny1 unlocked (with blocked network) bb 9500 with mfi multiloader do ping me @ my email plzzz
Well, i’ve tried everything step by step on windows 7 to unlock a Bold 9000, but there’s a part where the MML says that is awaiting on full connect, then shows post progress and then fail, a pop up window stating that the connection time out ’cause it couldn’t connect, anyone with the same problem?, if so please post a reply, is there any incompatibilty issue with 7? plase guys give me your best shot.
Thanx up in advance.
I’d flashed my bold 9000.
But it “FAILS” with the following errors:
Timeout. Cannot reconnect to radio.
The device may be password enabled, please make sure the password is correct. Cannot connect to radio.
And my pinnumber is also 0000000
And I did disabling internet connection as well..
Please advise asap
wud the mml4.11 unlock 9700 models…?
Hello I am unable to unlock the BB curve 8520 with MML and MFI Multi Loader as well as
It will not detect the BB. I got the hidden menu to show up but all the buttons are grayed out. Can you help?
i have problem with my mml ,i tried to erase mep it becouse it suspended,and i want to change my imei and pin,but i got error when i trie to erase me ,it said “feature not support by firmware version command 0xff2e.cant get the information.cant set MEP data .cant load MEP file” helllp me please…. …
where can i download the mlf mutiloader
Search Google.
I hv tried to unlock bb 8820,with mfi 1.8 and 2.o,but says mfi file was not found on local drive.can anyone help?
thnx a lot … it really helped.i got to unlock my bb pearl using mml multiloader and ur instructions.Thank U Very Much!!!
what did you do dude how it works?
When i load the MFL Multiloader it will not load up ??? and do u no were i can download it again from ?
Thanks for the instructions! Worked like a charm! Should come in handy when i go OS this year.
Hi Khush,
Need ur help badly yaar; i too have a problem using it on my BB 9630 tour Verizon . i downloaded the MFI ( but it says unable to register C:\MML\binGRSNVLibCOM.dll while installation, tried registering it by regsvr32 command, did not work. MFI opens and gives error (update failed: could not find part of the path T:RMA\MML\UPDATE\UPDATE.xml. Source: mscorlib) but it does not show me start button. Please help me to unlock the 9630 tour.i dont have much knowledge abt phones and all, would appreciate step by step help.
blackberry 9700 with 0 mep…i cant use the damn mfi always say’s cannot connect to damn boot image internal freakin error…someone!help me…..damn!thank you….
please anyone know how is unloacking bb 9800 torch, please let me now procedure
Does this appliation works with Blackberry 97000 Bold2?
@Talha Randhawa, @victor, @Peter, @Javier Paredes, @kyko
same problem with bold 9000 in OS5 (I suppose the os update have change in base band) and If you want un-brick your BB 9000 you need restor the firmware = explanation of the process :
hey kush,
i am trying to unlock a bold 9700
it keeps showing: cannot connect to boot image! internal error RAM image invalid.
how can i fix this. i am using multiloader. please can you email me the response
Please read the tutorial, it states that you can not use it on that phone.
ur instructions r very precise and to the point with my blackberry bold 9000, unlike others. i’ve followed them to the point, but whatever i do, i’m stuck after the full reconnect, after which the mfi multiloader shows “fail”, with the msg “Timeout. Cannot connect to the device”.
This does actually work, but what a pain it is to configure. I’m gonna go through a few of my high points in what actually got it working for me. Hopefully it’ll help someone.
1st) Blackberry desktop must be installed. I used multiple versions, and all worked. 4.7, 5, 6.* current beta.
2nd) I used a virtual XP machine, as I’ve completely switched to 7. Plus its easy to add files to a virtual machine and keep it OFF the internet. On you’r XP machine you should install dot net versions 2.0, 3.5 and 4.0. Not all necessary, well 2.0 is, but I ended up needing the others for other things.
3rd) If your MML tool didn’t come with the register.bat tool, the following will help you. Add this to your registry to allow yourself the luxury of registering DLL files with a simple right click. Open notepad, paste, and save as register-dlls.reg Merge, or double click the file to add to your registry.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="regsvr32.exe \\\"%1\\\""
@="regsvr32.exe /u \\\"%1\\\""
4th) Be sure to copy “BbDevMgr.exe” from your “C:\MML\bin” directory to your “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers” directory. This IS the cause of the error condition
. If your seeing this error “you’re a simple copy paste away from success!!!”
The rest has been covered previously. I hope this helps someone. Happy hacking… =)
The informations was really help full thankyou author, but i would like to ask for one more question. I have a blackberry tour 9630 and i have tried to use the MFI to unlock it and have failed a number of times. now my question is is there a link where i can download the MFI file for my phone? please help.
Hey man, that’s alot for your software. I wanted to know if I can get the xml file… I dont have it. Thanks man.
It should be in the post. if not look on google.
tengo un 9530 cuando presiono crear mep me dice (rtas permission to Access command denied. Can`t get confirmation. Cannot set mep data cannot load mep file)
como le hago pra hacerlo
Hola amigos quiero descargar MML
hola amigos quiero descargar mml
i have hard locked blackberry 9800 from at&t and no mep trial left to enter so can i use this mml tool to reset all and able to unlock this phone or any other waY??
please help!!!
Hi, i got Pearl 9105 and trying to connect with MFI Multiloader. It detect the phone and i checked the Full Erase and Auto Start but it FAILS and showing Connecting to Bootrom. Does this MFI Multiloader works with Pearl 9105.
kush read ur entire post.
i tried 2 understand all of it but couldnt
i have curve 8520 bb
i want to change imei and pin
how can i proceed.
could u mail() me a guide if u have with screen shots as on how to proceed,
iv completed all d downloads..
thnx in advance
I have download alot of files to unlock my BB it seems that MML can not find my phone.
I tryed with two computer and I have the BB software installed and disconected from the internet.
Why should I be disconected any ways?
Email me at Major(Antispam)Roboto(at)Hotmail(Antispam)com (or .ca)
(Where antispam is put a dot)
Okay, it found my phone but now I get a boot room look up error and im forced to restore the BB
Is it work with bb Curve 8520
I try but not that MML can not find my phone.!!!
please e-mail me. . MFI Multiloader will not find my phone. Please help.
For All persons having problems with MML not detecting your bb’s anymore,
The problem is cause by RIM’s new drivers. Just follow these steps that worked for me:
1) Copy [BbDevMgr.exe] from the location C:\MML\bin\
2) Overwrite the one in the location C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers\
MML Should connect again.
If not, try un-installing the blackberry drivers from device manager and try the steps again
Hi I want to know that i connect my blackberry but it gives me error that “cannot create CFP assistance. please ensure that BBCFPCOM is registered” and i registered this BBCFPCOM through command prompt but it still gives that error. so any sugesstion guys?
For All persons having problems with MML not detecting your bb’s anymore,
The problem is cause by RIM’s new drivers. Just follow these steps that worked for me:
1) Copy [BbDevMgr.exe] from the location C:\MML\bin\
2) Overwrite the one in the location C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers\
MML Should connect again.
If not, try un-installing the blackberry drivers from device manager and try the steps again
Hi Kush,
I want to know that i connect my blackberry but it gives me error that “cannot create CFP assistance. please ensure that BBCFPCOM is registered” and i registered this BBCFPCOM through command prompt but it still gives that error. so any sugesstions?
sorry its instance not assistance..
please kindly upload mfi file to unlock bb 8830 version 4.5 am using mfi setup
is very urgent please am counting on you our thanks in advance
Can u unlock a bb 9360 using mml