I thought this was a cool song! Thanks Essa!
Bolt Browser Public Beta
I recently saw this browser on a post on crackberry.com and wanted to try it out, and let me tell you its fast! the default blackberry browser is slow and so is opera mini. Bolt loads everything very fast. It’s not only for blackberries so check it out.
Download Bolt Browser
Two Great Remixes
A Good Song
Its an old song, but I love it. Sometimes this is how I feel, I’m giving but no one gives back!
Downtime explained
Sorry everyone my site has been down for about 3-4 days now. The reason for this is quite simple, I was switching hosts. Ixwebhosting has really pissed me off, they keep taking my site down and claiming that i overload their servers without an explanation. When I ask for one they never reply. So I switched over to Bluehost lets hope their service is much better. I can certainly tell that their control panel is much better. Anyways I can’t get into details now, I have an exam in 12 hours so I have to study. I’ll elaborate more soon.
Stride Gum
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ojgi16des-U" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Farewell Tribute to Great Moments in Presidential Speeches
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/aP4d4oFKv78" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
the best parts are (in chronological order):
1.when they switch from actual good speeches to Bush with his huge eyes (LET ME JUST REMIND YOU WHERE WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH)
2.Our people have done a really good job… Ramzi al sheb or whatever his name was
3. You Might remember we went to A PARK IN BOTSWANA ( BEST ONE IN MY OPINION)
4. Panama City………………… PANAMA (flips page)
6. The Hit on the head from the helicopter roof.
7. The basketball bounce or lack there of (my second favorite)
8. the look he gives when something is dropped
9. The door, thats a classic (there a funny skit about this one)
10.The Shoe
11. The kid HAHAHAHA
Taco bell Canada Ad
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/3pA99QOQmTI" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
This is a funny Canadian Taco Bell ad. Probably doesn’t get to the states or anywhere else so i felt like sharing!
Ps. He is actually a canadian rapper and thats actually a song heres the link to the youtube video: Link
New Server Change (This is the new one)
ok all is on the new server!
Recent Ad Change
Last couple of days I’ve tried using chitika premium in addition to google adsense, and I don’t like it so I’m removing it. However I also added a google adsense box after the post. In addition I will add one more ad on the side, but don’t worry I wont take it overboard like many sites do. I’m only doing this so it helps me out, sorry for any inconvenience caused (please disable ad blocking software).