Today I helped my friend unlock his Bell 2Wire 2701HG-G Modem/Router. We were not doing it to unlock it per say, but we wanted to update his router to a newer firmware to hopefully resolve a wifi disconnection issue with his iPad. I stumbled upon some forums that lead me to a file. We updated the modem, which cleared his Bell settings (something I knew would happen from experience!). So after a long time of scrolling through pages of forums, and trying to figure stuff out, with the help of the forum I figured it out on my own.
Firstly before I get to the good stuff (skip this part and go to the bottom if you just want to unlock the 2Wire 2701HG-G) let me warn you to never get a branded modem/router. Why you might ask? Well because of the fact that they are branded some features might be stripped and getting those features back, or a decent web interface might be difficult if not impossible. Secondly they barely release updates, and when they do, you can’t get access to the files your self. I would rather input all these settings into a D-Link/Linksys router or this Buffalo router that is on my wish list.
So first of all you will need to flash the Modem/Router with a newer firmware. This firmware is for another ISP called Singtel. Don’t worry it should work fine as I have used it on a Bell connection. The main problem was once we updated the firmware, and wanted to input the Bell username and password it kept inputting to the end of the username no matter what we did. Finally I found out that we had to use a key code to remedy that (See this is what I was talking about earlier in the post! I have never used a key code on a router, I feel this is a very stupid idea or “feature” if you want to call it that). So follow the steps below and you should be able to get your router working with the Singtel firmware.
Before Updating your Modem/Router please make sure you have your username and password written down, or call Bell to get them, as they will be erased when the firmware is flashed.
Unlocking the Bell 2Wire 2701HG-G
1. Download the Singtel firmware (Rapidshare)
2. Access your router’s firmware update page, I have listed all the possible web portal addresses that I have encountered, one of them SHOULD work for you. ( | |
3. Select the Singtel 2sp file which you downloaded from above and click Update. (You should only do this through a wired connection and not wireless.)
4. Hopefully after a successful flash access the router’s Setup page ( | |
5.Enter this Key Code (5225-26P4-6262-22AS-B2E7) and click Advanced, now continue with the setup, and it will not append the to the end of your B1 username. This is the only Key Code that worked for me as the others would fail even if we had the correct username/password combination. If this Key Code does not work for you check out all the rest of the Key Codes at the 2Wire website.
That is all, your Modem/Router should now connect to bell. The reason I wrote this tutorial, was because I saw that the information was scattered all over the forums, with a bit of correct information everywhere, and not all in one place. If I have made a mistake please point it out so I can fix this. Also I would hope that Bell and other ISPs find this post, and see how much users are frustrated with their branded hardware. Hopefully they will start using less restricted, and user changeable hardware/software. While it might be easier in the short run, I find that in the long run it is more costly, more annoying, and more problematic since there are such few firmware updates. Enjoy your unlocked/updated Modem/Router.
Ps. So far my friend’s iPad is working without a problem. Hopefully it stays that way.
Great summary for getting rid of Ma Bell and the ill communication. In fact, if I could only choose from whom I can get the dry loop from, I would have nothing here at all to do with Bell. Alas, we do have our inbred oligopolies to choose from.. (Dreaming about Xittel & their FTTH / FTTP)
with the new firmware on your 2wire, try the following addresses:
from there: (DSL Diagnostics)
Ack! I didn’t realize that you were accepting tags.. Pardon the malformed url’s..
from there: (DSL Diagnostics)
Perhaps prior to posting, a preview option would suffice!
i did flash my 2701 it worked but the connection is slow like 2.25 mps anything i can do ??
Sorry, I would check with your ISP about that. You probably don’t have the correct settings in your modem.
Man I wish I had seen this first. I just went through this whole process assembling the different info myself. Only thing I hadn’t yet figured out was getting rid of that @sigtel append. I was pissed at the thought of flashing my router and then not being able to use it because of that. Anyways good work bringing it together, you are the first hit for “bell 2701 2wire firmware” wish I had put it that way last week. Thanks for the key-code.
Thanks a lot, it’s comments like these that keep me going, and the reason I make posts like this!
Ah, thank you very kindly. I spent an hour roaming around various forums looking for the information I needed, then I found your post, and everything went smoothly. Now my sister can use her modem with Tek Savvy instead of Bell!
I live in Montreal too!
hi, im from dominican republic and i have one of this 2Wire 2701hg-b from att, i would like to know if this could be configured to work with another carrer here… thanz
Unlocking it should allow you to do so!
Hello Kush, I did the the flash and everything worked perfectly. And Bell is not my ISP.
I am from Saguenay In Québec.
Thank’s a lot for your help..
It should work since it unlocks the router, you should know your internet settings as it will erase all settings once it flashes. You can call your ISP and have them tell you the settings to connect.
Hey Kush,
Great Guide….I’ve got the Bell 2Wire 2701HG-G modem/router and its already allowing me to use my Teksavvvy internet. (Another ISP)
But if I try to access the internet from my laptop or iPhone via Wi-Fi then it asks me to login using my Bell Account (Which I don’t have)
Would it then work if I use the unlock method you provided above?
Thanks in advance…
Hey Damon, I believe it would. Give it. Try it, it should work.
Hey Kush, bell just change my SpeedStream6520 for the 2701hg-g.
I have one stupid question. If everything work well for me with my new Modem/Router.
Do I need to unlock it. What will be the benefit if I unlock it? Can I get more speed?
Thanks in advance..
If you unlock it, you can get later firmware (if there is any) which would help with problems on older firmware (such as my friend’s iPad disconnecting issue) also it would allow you to use it with another provider if you choose to do so at a later time. It will not help you with speed unless that was a firmware issue.
Thanks for this. It worked perfectly.
You might want to add that people should leave all settings at default. They just have to put in their Bell name/pass for success.
Is it the same process to unlock the Bell fibe 25?
No, this is only for the 2701HG-G
Thanks for the reply. Everything worked with your detailed explanations.
Is there a way to unlock the
Yes, me to I have Fibe Cellpipe 7130
is there a way to update it?
I don’t know
Yes, me too I have Fibe Cellpipe 7130,
is there a way to update it?
Hi Kush,
In your step 3 above for doing this you state “You should only do this through a wired connection and not wireless” when doing the flash.
The only problem is that I don’t have a computer directly hooked into the router right now, all of my computers access it wirelessly. Is there any reason why I cannot do the flash wirelessly?
If I plug one of my laptops that also has a wireless connection directly into the bell router to do the flash afterwards once I hook up a new dlink router to the bell router will I than be able to disconnect the laptop to gain a wireless connection?
When connecting the dlink router into the bell router does it matter which ethernet slot I plug into as none of the slots specify on the bell router that they can be used to plug into another router.
I would stick to a wired connection.
Is the cellpipe, 7130 from Bell, a good modem?
I don’t know, I tend to hate any branded modem/router. They are always stripped and usually have crappy interfaces, and rarely receive updates.
what if I lost the bj password
Call bell and tell them to give you the password, or change it to a new one.
Fantastic, i looked everywhere with no success. There are several forums with several ideas with barely half answered solutions. This was simple. Easy. And it worked. Take that BELL!
Thank you!!
Hey Kush,
Works great! Thanks for your guide! =)
Thank you, I appreciate the love!
It seems you know a bit about this 2701hg-g router, I’ve had a problem with Bell where I ended up figuring out they charge bandwidth usage for over home network transfers and streaming using the wireless signal from this router. From your experience can you confirm this?
Heres the link where I posted about it on reddit:
Sorry I have no info about this. If it is true though they suck, I’m really starting to hate bell!
Hey Kush,
Great work ! Much appreciated.
But any tip, when, for any reason, a user want to get back to the porevious firmwar from Bell?
Sorry I don’t know, but I think you should be able to downgrade, but usually newer builds are better.
Kudos to you Kush! F*ck Bell! I just pulled off the hack as per your instructions and I’m writing this message using the HG-G & a Teksavvy connection. 😀
I *did* have to install the firmware twice. The first time I got back into Bell’s set-up screens, but I just started again at step 2.
I unlocked my 2wire gateway 2701HG-G using the above guide. I am using AOL Broadband internet connection, I confirmed from customer support that they are using PPPoE connection type, whenever I enter username the @singtel string automatically. I tried many activation key from the following website.
Every time the @singtel automatically appended with the username.
I included that in the tutorial. If you can’t get it to work, try using the code listed in the tutorial and applying the att settings. Let me know if you cant get it working.
THanks for you reply, the only mistake I did was, I didn’t include the full username.
I am an aol canada user, I just added with my username and now the 2701 HG-G Router is working very smoothly.
THanks for the guide, you saved my 30 bucks.
Awesome work Kush! I agree with Kermit F*ck Bell!
I wanted to hack this modem about 6 months ago but info on forums was all disjointed. Just hacked it now, worked 1st time for me, as per your clear & concise instructions. Also using HG-G & Teksavvy connection.
F*ck Ma Bell & F*ck Usage Based Billing!
Can I unlock any 2 wire 2701 hg
example a quest modem 2 wire 2701 hg
or just the bell?
Thanks in advance!
I have no clue sorry. I think you should be able to, search google to see if others have done it.
Great tutorial and thanks so much for posting this.
Ive got a question though. I am currently with Bell, using this modem/router, but would very much like to put it into bridged mode and use a different router. Would doing the above give me access to the MDC page? As of now the page asks for a password, which is not known.
Thanks so much.
Thanks anyway, I’ll do that.
By the way keep up the good work
you deserve it. It is good to see that
some people take the time benevolently
to answer all our questions.
how to flash 2wire
try open all site cant open
I am looking to get the parental control with my 2701hg-g gateway. I have already flashed my modem with singtel. Look at the link
This is what I am interested in. Anyone knows???
trying to do same thing … have you had any luck finding any info on adding parental control ?
Hey Kush, here’s a situation…I bought a 2701hg-g a while back at a bestbuy store and I’ve used it with Bell for a period of 6-7months and got tired of them I was searching for new internet provider and ended up with Radioactif…I didn’t want to buy there modem because I was statisfied with 2 for 1 technology with 2wire…so I got my user and password and enter them in the interface at instead of the bXXXX i’ve put my new user with RadioActif and password…everything seemed fine on the modem but when I open a browser window it gives me the Bell setup page…what can I do to bypass this??? I’ve read your tutorial but it seems it works for Wifi and I want it to work for wired using Ethernet cable…can you or anybody help me out I’m not to tech savvy when it comes to this…i still like to use my modem/router with my new service provider is that operation even possible? If so can you or anybody post steps with print screens so it could be easier to follow!
Thanks for responding!
It seems your DSL connection is still going through BELL connection/Servers.
You should contact your new ISP “RadioActif” to confirm that the connection is going to their servers or not…
Thanks, its work. Now I am using 2701HG-G model out of CANADA (Asian region)
Thank you so much. It worked perfectly.
If I can add maybe we should add how to use the 2wire only as a modem so we can use our own routers. (bridge mode)
Nice one 🙂 Just one question: if the 2wire’s rented from Bell, could you be charged for that when you eventually return it? :/
Probably, bell is one of the most evil companies ever.
Gotta agree with you here 😛
If you read one of the comments on this post said bell counted internal network traffic towards the monthly bandwidth cap!
Crazy 😛
Here’s what I could find about modem use on bell’s site – in case anyone’s interested…
after unlock they need B1XXXXX,but i don’t have,( i use ACANAC),so my modem last light is red, can not use,what can i do?
Please follow the entire tutorial, it states how to fix that issue.
I’ve been considering switching to TekSavvy since I just found out that it exists and I hate bell and their stupid 25GB/month bandwidth cap, slow speeds, and bad customer service.
But if I cancel their service wouldn’t they make me give them the modem back? Since they are making me rent it…
How are people using this 2Wire modem after cancelling services with Bell?
They probably bought it, or just ignore bell.
You might also consider using the “Quest” firmware for use with Teksavvy or other ISP. Works very well and no keycodes are required. Bought my 2701 which is available at most major electronics retailers for $100 as the “grab and go” kit.
Hi Kush, I have a 2701HG-G sitting around and I’d like to use it as a wireless extender, hotspot or use it as a wireless connector for other wifi spots..
Any ideas of how to do this? Any links are appreciated..
Kudos Kush:
Excellent tutorial.
Only one thing that you didn’t mention:
You can not work OFF-LINE!!!!!
No I will try to use my Belkin router as an access point.
Thank you again.
I’m by no means a gay man, but I could kiss you right now Kush.
Thanks for the great tutorial.
One extra thing to note (though suppose should have been obvious) is that you need to be plugged directly into the 2701 router to enter the setup page. I kind of forgot that part and was sitting here like a moron going cpu >linksys>2701 and getting connection error messages.
Again, thanks SO much.
Thanks Egogen, I started reading your comment and didn’t understand the first line and had to read it again, no worries, you don’t have to be gay to kiss another man. No disrespect meant to gay people of course. Your comment made me laugh!
Thank you for your clear information, English is not my fist language and I didn’t understand anything on forums !
I took a subscription with Uniserve in Québec and had the surprise to have hided installation fees and a modem from the ice age ! No wifi !! How can we survive ?!
I follow your steps, it was easy but after few hours to configure the ISP codes, I called them, eveything I saw on the internet was wrong, this is the information that worked for me from Uniserve :
VCI 35
(even if you live in Canada, it is .com)
If it put automatically at [email protected] after your username, it is because you put the information on the 3rd page after puting the big code, go back to the page of the big code and click “advanced setting”, now you have a box to put your username information and you are free to mentionned another ISP or let it blank after the username.
well i dident even start unlocking yet but i had say that if all the forrums were written and done like this one…. anyways the best ive seen yet
I’d just like to point out that while this update may work in your country, it will not work in the U.S.A. (*cry*). There is a hardware level protocol called DOCSYS that all ISPs that provide Internet via DSL, Cable, Fiber-Optic and I believe both low-look and high-look Satellite Dish services employ that prevents anyone other than the ISP to be able to update the firmware. Believe me, I’ve tried! ALOT! Many days lost in search of a way to update branded DSL and Cable modems. And yes, this goes for anything you can buy “off the shelf” at places like Best Buy, Office Max, Fry’s, etc. in the US. God knows we don’t see half of what’s actually out there and what can be modified to better suit your needs. I.T. kinda suck that way here in the US, but I’ve helped develop some of that new tech as well.
I’ve taken to scouting out Linksys wireless-G broadband routers like the WRT54GS, WRT54G & WRT54GL series units at flea-markets and can usually find a few for about $5 USD each. These things are feature packed workhorses but come with a stripped-down UI and over half the features are hidden until you flash the firmware with dd-wrt Linux-based UI. http://WWW.DD-WRT.COM has a huge database of flashable wireless routers too. You might find that your modem\routers might be compatible with the dd-wrt firmware.
Out of 7 random routers I’ve bought at the flea-markets, only 2 wouldn’t work with dd-wrt. So there are a TON of modem\routers this will work with. And since it’s Open Source, it’s FREE!!! Yes FREE, Compliments of the Management, On the House, Gratis.
Who knows, that old modem in the closet that you thought was junk, may be the dragster you’ve been dreaming of.
And no, I don’t work for dd-wrt, I’m just a fan of their work! And I think you will be as well.
Have you overclocked your repeater-bridge today?
I just bought this router/modem from Kijiji and need to unlock it for use on Teksavvy.
The guide is very clear but before I start, I’d like to know if there’s a username and password I should have on hand, and if so, where I would find them? (I don’t have a Bell account- only Teksavvy)
Also, which ‘Internet settings’ should I jot down before flashing, if any?
Thanks man!
The Internet settings would be your teksavvy connection settings. There is not extra passwords. If you need any other help let me know.
Okay, so I won’t be asked to input any username/password that’s native to Bell, correct? Just call Teksavvy and have them set me up with that info?
Yup, no bell anything. Just follow the directions and get the teksavvy info.
Kush- me again…
I don’t know what the heck happened but something went wrong!
I was connected to the router/modem via ethernet cable > went to the firmware update page > uploaded the Singtel 2sp file and let it run.
The upload completed but in the middle of the ‘reboot’ the browser ‘timed out’ so now the wireless obviously doesn’t work but I’m not even able to connect via ethernet cable and the ‘internet’ light is solid amber.
Am I screwed or what?
If you could give me a call that’d be awesome man- I have a web business so this is driving me insane and I really don’t want to writing from my friends PS3!
Do you have one more call left in you? 😀
Thanks again- finally got it hooked up, just had to find that ‘setup wizard’ in the right column of the SingTel home page.
>>Kush is the man!!<<
No problem Owen, glad I could help you out!
I know this is a stupid question to ask but after I installed the SingTel firmware it’s unlocked right?
So in my case assuming it’s unlocked; while I enter in the Acanac login on the 2Wire 2701 HG-G I get the solid red light on Internet and I get an error message of either wrong login ( at this point I think it might be locked) or a try again message (which still doesn’t work when I try again). Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!!!! The easiest way to unlocked it. But, after all thoses steps, where should I go to configure the wireless settings? On the mainpage of Segtel, I don’t anywhere I could go to set up the wireless connection.
Thanks again, nice job !!
Hey Edwar, there should be a menu at the top to configure the wireless.
Thanks man! But Wireless isn’t there anywhere in the Singtel menus…. it’s weird!
There should be a menu at the top of the page, that has home networking or something similar. Wifi is somewhere inside the main menu.
Hi, I downloaded the firmware file but can not access my ‘firmware’s update page’. are they broken links? is there some reason they’re not working? thanks
Hi Kush,
I have the same modem/router by at&t and I tried all of firmupdate pages and it’s not working.Can u help me plz
Not sire of the AT&T mode
Can follow the same procedure.
Ya,It’s working with At&T.
Thx a lot man.
IM trying to unlock one of my bell routers you are posting about,
im trying to get to the update page and im promped with a password, and the password you listed does not work , what can I do to get past it?
Are you sure it’s the same model number? This tutorial is only for the specified modem/router.
Hey Kush, quick question for ya!
If I unlock this router following your instructions, will I be able to access UPnP settings on the router? I’m trying to get PS3mediaserver to work but without UPnP available within the router, I am having major troubles!
I don’t think so, unlocking it just allows you to use it with another provider.
Thanks a million Kush. Teksavvy is my internet provider and this router was given to me by a previous Bell user. Your Instructions are simple and straight forward and work like a charm. I can’t understand how other folks can brick their modem with your instructions.
just got this modem/router yesterday for my new isp,teksavvy was always getting the bell setup page on my pc and iphone.and a few other problems. i did this update and all is perfect!! thanx for the help Kush!! everyone with this modem/router needs to do this. cheers!
ok. big problem now. for the first day after unlocking,was working perfectly. now,im constantly loosing my wireless connection on my iphone. on my pc a few time too but 7 times in 4 minutes on my iphone. i cant find a solution. any ideas? the iphone is connected to the router but the connection to the net just stops.
Go into the firmware, change the original WEP-Open for WA-PSK and select “Use Custom Passphrase”.
Then chosse a password between 8 – 64 characters (for more security, choose a combination of a word, plus numbers. For example “generic1234”).
Your Apple devices will work fine. Do not select WPA2 since it does not work very well in this 2Wire.
DO NOT SELECT “Power Setting” greater than “8” since 9 and 10 will give you frequent disconnection issues.
I hope it will help you. Cheers.
hi, you have to talk with ur internet provider, they will send you the new power adaptor, it happened to me once and I spoke to the bell, they sent me another power adaptor for free, since working fine. hope this will help u. bye.
Is there a way to unlock the speed cap on the 2wire? I have 4mb coming to my house but 768K is max on the router. AT&T claims that’s the highest speed I can get. Me and the tech spent 3 hrs monitoring and it never went below 2mb. He didn’t know how to unlock it. Can you help?
Thanks Kush, above mentioned firmaware works 100%. I am with Acanac also using VoIP phone Linksys adapter PAP2T/N hooked to it. Other way to access all advanced settings is mentioned in # 6.
1) Download firmware:… or search for: 2wire_reinstall_voice_5.
2) Type following Upgrade Firmware address into your 2wire router address in the Internet Explorer (Firefox):
Then reflash with above mentioned downloaded firmware file – navigate to the saved firmware: 2wire_reinstall_voice_5.
(Likely IMPORTANT ): Before reflashing unplug everything (except your computer LAN) and unplug/re-plug power supply. After flushing starts let it sit until SingTel logo appears !!!! – this is very important, it make take like 30mins – screen will show lighted dots – wait until the last one turns red and SingTel logo appears !!!
3) Original BELL 2WIRE interface address was now it’s
4) Go to Broadband >> Advances setting and update your Internet provider User name and Password provided by your provider – Acanac has something like User name format: Password: XXXX1xx and also Change MTU to VCI=35 (recommended by Acanac)
5) If you want to use Wireless go to Wireless setting and adjust to settings you like e.g. like Broadcast name, change your security password, power setting (I prefer 1 lowest one that will work for you) etc… Go to Home Network settings >> Summary and make sure Home Network Wireless is Enabled. Note: Green “Wireless” light may not light up until you have some wireless thing actually working /broadcasting Wi-Fi, e.g. your mobile/cell phone or Laptop.
6) If you want to get to MANAGEMENT panel type address : or or http://home/tech/
and Default password: 2wire
Cheers & Good Luck !
p.s. Generic original manual and other info can be found from manufacture website.
Nice job,
I have 2 bell 2701hg-g routers, one was my default wireless when i signed up with Bell, the other I had to return and Bell didn’t want to send me the shipping parcel so its been sitting around. Is there a way I can stream media to my samsung tv through the second unused router. If possible connect to the TV to the internet without using an ethernet cable (though not essential)
thanks in advance
fantastic. I works.
I need some help asap please… I need to return a rental BELL Modem Model: 2701HG-G Modem/Router today Oct 17, 2011.
My question is, if the modem is flashed with a different firmware, is it possible to revert back to BELL’s original based *.2sp firmware? Would anyone have a BELL *.2sp image firmware file available that I can use? I flashed my modem with the QWEST – 2700-2701–QT04- firmware back in 2010 and I need to find a way to revert back to BELL’s firmware asap.
Thanks in advance…
After unlocking this router is it possible to connect the internet to the computer first then come from the computer to the router or say pick up a signal with my laptop and send it to the router to re broadcast
that would have nothing to do with a special function on the router. The router just acts an an IP address splitter basically. While your laptop is connected to wireless plug the eouters internet port into your laptop and only the laptop highlight both the wired and wireless connections at the same time. Right click and select bridge. This will connect the wired and wirless ports on your laptop together as if they were on a switch. So basically the routers internet port is getting DHCP off of the wireless, just like your laptop is. Note: you wil not be able to configure wireless settings sometimes while the network cards are bridged. You must unbridge first, change wireless settings on laptop and rebridge. This will work thou for most scenarios.
Thanks a lot. I found this site a few months ago and never got around to doing it. Tried it today and it worked fine.
I was a little nervous when the key code you provided didn’t work. I then went to the 2wire site and went through a lot of those as well, and they didn’t work. I then went back into setup using the address and used the key code you provided. Worked like a charm.
(I originally used and there is where I got into trouble as the @singet always appended.)
Many thanks.
I was given a Bell 2Wire 2701HG-G (residential) and wanted to use it for myBell 2Wire 2701HG-G (home business) Bell Tech informed me they could not help with the firmware, I resented paying $10/month rental over the years. I am happy to say your firmware worked perfectly and I am sending the rental back to Bell.
Many Thanks
You can use this firmware to access the Management and Diagnostic Console(MDC)
Access http://home/mdc.
The password is 2wire, using this firmware only.
Also, you can use the default bell key code in this firmware
Not sure what the difference is, but it works for removing the issue
Another issue I found was VPI should be 0 VCI 35 for Bell DSL
Does the 2Wire 2701HG-G use the WPS feature. If so can this WPS feathure be disabled. How? I hear this is a major security issue with home use wireless routers.
I check the firware but donot find on Rapid share.
If any body have so please send me .
I am very thank full.
So why am I the only one getting asked for a password before I can upgrade the firmware?
“Enter the Technician password below to view advanced gateway settings”
Any thoughts?
l’adresse suivante ne fonctionne pas: ( ), il me donne “Page introuvable” j’ai trouvé cette adresse: mais il me demande un mot de passe de Bell Tech! N’importe qui peut aider??
Et alors,a-tu trouve le mot de passe en fin de compte?
the following address does not work: (, it gives me “Page Not Found” I found this address: / upgrade but he asks me a password of Bell Tech! Anyone can help?
Need help with the “Technician login” on Bell’s 2wire 2701 – want to set the device into modem-only “bridging” mode, but can’t get into the Advanced settings to disable routing and direct PPPoE.
Tried 2wire but can’t get in – does anyone know the password?
Is the new link on v6 firmware.
Yes, the modems are being upgraded to version 6. The entire menu system looks different now. And you can access the page through:
But version 6 has added a password. It asks for “Technician login password”. I do not know the password and without it, it is impossible to go any further with upgrading the firmware or unlocking the modem.
Had the same problem. Use this link:
Hope that helps,
i have a 2wire bell 2701gh-g and i need
the following address does not work: (, it gives me “Page Not Found” I found this address: / upgrade but he asks me a password of Bell Tech! Anyone can help?
I too am having the same issue about not finding the page for the upgrade and keep getting the “Need a technician password” when I try anything else. Can someone tell me a working link to get my 2Wire into update mode? Thanks in advance.
I meant to say bump on pilote36’s issue. Thanks
is it possible to revert back to bell standard firmware and ifso does any here have a link for download. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Bump on the same issue. Anyone have an answer? Thanks.
What worked for me:
1) download this firmware:
2) Go Here
3) Follow the prompts. (If you interrupt the install, the modem will never work again!)
Use either of the following keys. The ones listed in Kush’s tutorial didn’t work for me:
Set VPI 0
Set VCI 35
ATM Encapsulation: LLC
Just tried this, worked fine.
Turn the modem off, turn it on again. Poof. She works.
Same issue, newest firmware, brings me to technicians login page. Anyone know the password?
version 6 has added a password. It asks for “Technician login password”. I do not know the password and without it, it is impossible to go any further with upgrading the firmware or unlocking the modem.
i need a password tech….
I’m in the same case…:!!!
I am probably a moron, but i have a rented 2 wire 2701HG-G that was given to me, when i plug it in it asks for activation, my internet provider is, but their modems kind of suck. I like the 2 wire because i have a psp and an ipod i use wireless for but don’t have a router. So i figured the 2 wire would be perfect as a modem and a wireless router. I am computer illiterate and if you have any info to help me out that would be great. I have read most of the forum but it’s all Chinese to me.
Then maybe you should get a chinese translated to english dictionary, you think? Just a thought it can’t be any clearer then it already is. Crystal clear. But one problem did tell my wife I did this and she was experiencing internet problems while I was at work , so she called I ISP and they could see that the firmware was flash and they would not help with ant internet issues. Currently with another ISP and no longer need this device will sell if anyone can use it. The value of the device once flashed is worth about $300 dollars I will let it go for $250 as long as you pay the shipping. Will be posting this on ebay as well with pics. If anyone interested, reply to this message.
typo in my message I didn’t tell my wife.
hey I was just wondering if I could use my 2wire 2701HG-G just as a router since I no longer have my internet with bell but need a new router. thank you
Bump, New firmware 6 and need technician password any help?
Thanks Brandon for your post.
My modem stopped working and I had to redo the setup.
I used your first code 522P-22P4-6262-22AT-F2NV and that worked for me.
For the technician password some say on the net that its: techsupport.Although,it didn’t work for me.
i just tried this and it totally worked:
here is the upgrade URL:
and follow these instructions to get the right firmware (QWEST).
since i am on teksavvy, i used these numbers for the VPI/VCI
VPI/VCI (0/35 Eastern Canada)
and then i used my tecksavvy login info.
worked like a charm.
The new adress to upload the firmware into the modem is:
I don’t try the firmware yet…
try this…don’t need a Bell password…I did work..
I try today to upgrade the modem and I get:
Software Upgrade Error
The upgrade was unsuccessful.
Unfortunately, the software upgrade could not be completed.
Please click “Back” to try again or click “Cancel” to return to the gateway page.
Failure detail:
image not intended for our platform ‘shiva’, limited to medusa
Any idea?
I purchased AT&T 2Wire 2701hg-B from a website. Recently Tried to update firmware Now unable to login to the device. It is pingable from computer with IP Wired Network connect to the device and gateway IP is shown as Devices are getting connected thru Wireless. Unable to configure Internet on the device. Tried all possible combinations available to login to the device. Could somene help me. Thanks in advance.
hi, i’m trying to access the upgrade page, but i dont remember the password i made for this modem. i made it back in 2011 and cant access the upgrade page, wht do i do now 🙁
I would like to unlock my Bell modem, but your link to SingTel firmware (Rapidshare) seems to be broken because it displays just a nice picture, but that’s it.
Many thanx for a link update.