Hempcrete the green alternative to Concrete

Everyone knows what Concrete is, but not Hempcrete. Recently I was reading an environmental blog and came across an article on Hempcrete. I had no idea what it was. After reading the article I thought it was a great green alternative to Concrete and decided to share the knowledge. Hempcrete consists of hemp, lime,  sand, plaster, and cement. It can be used interchangeably with concrete. The great thing about it is it’s stronger, less prone to cracking, and is carbon negative. Yes! I said carbon negative! What does that mean? I believe it is defenitly hempcrete is  possible alternative to concrete. Since there is not much information available to the public about it (mostly propeatary). If it is commercially viable this could mean a great thing for construction, and our planet. As of now though the American Government does not acknowledge hemp as a viable material.

(this is a video from of hempcrete being applied)


ps. here is a site that has lots more information on hempcrete

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