Hosni Mubarak said to have $620 Billion in UK Gold

According to Egyptian blogger and human rights activist Wael Abbas, he obtained documents that prove Hosni Mubarak is much richer than the estimated $40 – $70 Billion that we all have been hearing in the last couple of days. In the below scanned documents, the amount of purchased gold bond is $620,000,000,000 yes that is $620 BILLION with a capital B. Who knows if this is true or not, I would believe it though considering the amount of stealing this guy does and the time he has had to do it (~30 years). Another interesting bit is that he has a UK passport. Finally after Wael posted this onto the internet, his site started getting DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service Attacks) which attempted to crash the server that runs his website. That is why he has mirrored it, and I am now mirroring it here, with the hopes of not having my server crashed. Anyways once something hits the internet, its out there and can never be hidden again.

4 thoughts on “Hosni Mubarak said to have $620 Billion in UK Gold”

  1. A 6 years old kid can know that it’s fake! I wonder how old is the guy running this website!
    What the call bank documents are full with spelling mistakes.
    It’ called treasury bond not “treasure bond”
    The name written in one document is Hosni Mubarak. I guess his name was Mohammed Hosni Mubarak.
    The big surprise Caledonian bank is closed in 1906 and it never opened again.
    I wonder why those kids who make such fake documents don’t try to make it look real

  2. also a 6 year old will know how to search on google and to see if caledonian banking is there or not

    I could not beleive the number my self but i think it is worth investigating, if this is not worth invistigating i dont know anything else 🙂

    also for his sir name ” Hosni mubarak” usually they use the sir name or he put it in the name of his father

  3. Wow many eye open to you a gold wow……that ordinary really for ypur work…39 years govern in egypt….very pity if your govern bid all……many moelim poverty need money for live….for their support and their truth….with fight to many rezim not truth…in order truth…with many way good of moelsem…include in Indonesia….65% for Asia 35 %for Africa many pity hosni, i hope pan arabic can solve the problem abot poverty of moeslem…you nknow ASIA…is the biggest market for poverty……if you give hand may be can give to this nation with mosque…or another people like me….thx….good bless you…Hosni…i thx god open your eye for moeslem in order not get bloody and destruction make another moeslim loss their right and poor, hope enjoy for your new era…..very good pride for your glory …

  4. Okay, back to reality. Not even addressing the veracity of the documents here, gold has a value which is determined by the market, in order to dispose of the purported $620 billion worth of gold he has at or near market prices (and who knows where they are going; down quite possibly) would probably take an awful lot longer than he has left.
    Secondly, I doubt he has that much wealth, nobody does. I read a figure of £300 billion for Gaddafi and his cronies, again, wrong; a more reasonable estimate would be around 10% of that figure. The people who produce these outlandish estimates are very rarely professionals, they are more likely tabloid journo types (or wanna tabloid journo types) who think, “Hmmmm….no-one will be shocked if we say he’s worth $2 billion because they read about people worth that much every other day, so let’s times the number by 300 and see what kind of reaction we can elicit”.
    The Gaddafi figure, cited by the Daily Mail no less (lol), was probably either a misprint or based on some horrible calculation such as- Libya sells 1.6 million barrels a day, 1.6 million x $125=$200 million a day, it only costs $2 to extract Libyan oil so that leaves $196.8 million in profit for Gaddafi & co. and he has been in power for 40 years…you see where this is going? They will ignore, or are ignorant of the fact, that oil cost a couple of dollars a barrel when he took over and rarely exceeded the $20 range until the last decade.
    I suspect similar things have gone on with Mubarak’s estimates.
    My money would be on a net worth of $2 billion to $10 billion for Mubarak, in terms of actual cash he can recover and assets he can quietly liquidate if he somehow lives and escapes the clutches of the vengeful rebels. Assuming he doesn’t escape whatever he has coming his way I’m sure a few folk will benefit massively; a few relatives, connected people and hangers on will empty a few accounts and the rest will be gobbled up by sneaky bankers who reason that, “No-one is gonna be able to withdraw this and no-one but me and a few others know it is here so we’ll just take it” and the remainder will be turned over to the Swiss ombudsman (that’s what happens if a numbered account is untouched for 10 years).


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